Dream: Someone help me out here

By Em_Anders · Apr 13, 2013 · ·
  1. Like most of my previous blog posts, I have a dream to share. Only this time it is in snippets and glimpses of the whole. What the main storyline or theme is, I have no clue, but I hope that in my relation of my dream someone will be able to fill in the blanks.

    My dream went as follows:

    Harsh ragged breathing fills my ears, my sight is dim and yellowed. The hall before me is tiled, dingy, and houses hundreds of doors. All are locked, all are darkened, and as I pass each one, the breathing lessens and silence fills the void.

    A scream of terror rips through my mind and I am flung back against the wall. A door opens and darkness spills forth, oozing up and along the wall beside me. It begins to turn to mist and take shape; it is huge and dense and smells of sickly medicine.

    A door slams and I am once again walking down the empty hallway, my bare feet cold and dry on the tiled floor. My hands start to sweat as each door opens, yet silence still reigns. I call out a hollow echo, begging someone to be there, begging for security and reassurance.

    The doors all slam shut at once and I wake.


  1. summerrain
    I'm not kidding. I awake to nightmares like these, often. Particularly the last paragraph. Makes me want to stay awake, because they ruin my mornings. Frightful!
    There are 'dream interpreters' if you google them. (I should too) I've heard tell if you dream, let's say, of a wedding it means a death is coming, so maybe if we dream of terror, it means we win maid service for a year. -Or a dinner out. :confused:
  2. Em_Anders
    Wow. I'm sorry you have nightmares like that.
    I hadn't intended on my post to be interpreted as asking for help on deciphering my creeptastic dream, although if someone could tell me what was up with all the dang doors it'd be great! I meant in this post what I gave in posts past, where I relate details of dreams I have in the hopes that they inspire others, whether by nudging their minds with something they're stuck on, or simply giving someone an idea.

    I had written a blog post about a dream I'd had a few months ago, and it inspired a fellow WF member to come up with his own interpretation of it. it turned out really well, if a little disorienting for how oddly the events unfolded. But it was how I had hoped writing about my dreams would turn out- an inspiration.

    Maybe you can do the same with yours? Write about them, and see who takes the bait? You'd be amazed the creativity that can happen from simply writing out the weird nonsense of a dream =)
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