First Rejection!!(book)

By eliza490 · Nov 15, 2009 · ·
  1. I've been working for the past few months on a nonfiction political book. I just received a form letter of rejection in the mail yesterday. I'm a little disappointed, yes, but I'm also excited to start looking for another publisher to send to. I know rejections are part of the publishing process and I am confident in my work. However, I probably won't contact another publisher for about two weeks. I really want to go through everything, do some more revisions and make sure it's the best it can be before I move on to the next publisher on my list.
    Anyone else in the process of trying to get something published?


  1. Shadow Dragon
    Congrats. Your first rejection is a big step in becoming a published writer. I probably want send something to a publisher for a while, since most works are curruntly in progress.
  2. TWErvin2

    Glad you're going to resubmit. Hang in there!

    To save time (as multiple rejections are quite possible before the book finds a home) you might make a list as you go with contact information and details (the top 3 or so) so that you'll be ready if it does come back. At least that's how I've done it with my novels and short fiction in the past.
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