Guitar Progress [Three-chord songs]

By OurJud · Jul 5, 2020 · ·
  1. Can stumble my way through a few three-chord songs (E, A and D) on slow tempo. It's true to say I'm finding chord changes difficult - as I knew I would - but at the risk of tempting fate not quite as difficult as I imagined.


  1. RichardOgata
    Do you have a metronome?
      OurJud likes this.
  2. OurJud
    No, I don't, but if there isn't a metronome app I'll be amazed.

    Not that I want to sound my own trumpet here, but timing - hearing the beat and rhythm of a song - is perhaps the one area of music I feel is in instinctive to me.
      RichardOgata likes this.
  3. RichardOgata
    In school I would use a metronome to time my movement for difficult passages and movements. Keep the beat slow, to where I can comfortably make the move, and then slowly increasing the tempo to build up speed.
      OurJud likes this.
  4. OurJud
    The Justin Guitar app that accompanies the online course has something very similar, in that the play-along songs can be set to three different speeds: very slow, slow and normal.
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