Hot Sauce and Hand Soap

By Marranda · Nov 17, 2011 · ·
  1. So I'm supposed to have a rough draft of a research paper either nearly finished, or already finished and in the process of refining by 2pm CST today.
    Do I have a rough draft? No. But I have my outline and a general idea of what I want my point to be.
    See, originally it was going to be a paper on the difference between corporal punishment, child abuse and how parents cross the line. But I figured that topic to be too broad. But the difference between a spanking and a Spanking is so objective, such a grey area, I found it hard to even begin my argument. So I changed the terms and approached one side of the argument: Discipline, Punishment, and where parents should draw the line. I know, it still sounds vague, but the point I want to make is that discipline should be the main tool for raising a child, punishment used sparingly and only for serious offenses, and why it should be this way.

    Still subjective, still one sided, and I still have no idea how I'm going to get this rough draft cranked out in time to make my class.

    My struggles with my educational progression aside, does anyone have any input on this topic? I'm kind of in a soap-box mood...


  1. art
    A fruitful distinction that might be made/ explored:

    Those who choose to smack; those for whom physical punishment is an acknowledged parenting tool.

    Those who smack, not as a matter of policy, but because of their own failings: the harassed, agitated parent who hits out in desperation.

    The latter often more forgivable than the former.
  2. Marranda
    Did you just say that to spark an argumentive conversation, or were you being serious?

    Either one can be deemed unforgivable, depending on the situation(s). A parent using spanking as a parenting tool versus one who spanks out of heated temper or spur-of-the-moment loss of self-control, can both be seen as abusive. It's all in the context.

    My mother used to threaten to spank all the time, but rarely followed through. The constant threat lessened the amount of fear I felt, but when she did follow through, it left a clear impression of exactly what I did wrong and showed me the consequences of my actions.

    My dad never laid a finger on me. I wasn't "daddy's little princess", overly pampered or coddled, but he wasn't laxidasical with me either. However, because he didn't use particularly impressive ways of punishment, I couldn't tell you what I ever did to deserve being grounded, or have my phone taken away, or sent to my room without dinner.

    Overall, I think my parents were not only polar opposites in attraction and personality, but also in their parenting techniques as well. My dad on one end of the spectrum with strict discipline and rigid rules, and mom mother on the other end of the spectrum, firmly believing and utilizing her parental rights to spank as she saw fit with complete disregard of consistency and fairness.

    All this being said. I still have no idea how I'm going to write my paper....
  3. art
    Quite serious. I didn't imagine it would be thought contentious.

    Those who smack as a matter of policy are idiots. Sometimes unpleasant idiots. (Though/ And I'm sure your mum is delightful/ not delightful....delete as appropriate.)

    The struggling single parent who snaps and strikes a misbehaving child, well: There but for the grace of God....
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