It's 3:11 in the morning and...

By Marshmallow · Jul 17, 2009 · ·
  1. ...I don't think I'll be getting any sleep tonight/today. Tomorrow I'll go to the lake, then go watch Kemistery practice before getting home and pretending to sleep again.

    Though I wonder sometimes why God would create sleep, I sometimes find myself wondering even more why he created people. If all we do is make trouble for him, why bother?

    Eh, but who needs sleep? I've been up for almost 53 hours, and I'll likely only get a couple tomorrow. I could be spending this time writing, but I don't have anything to write about. I could be reading my Bible, but I'd rather complain about nothing.

    So I think I'll just read some Hawthorne before laying down and attempting sleep. Good ol' Nate keepin' me company before I hit the hay.

    And for anyone crazy enough to read this, I'm sorry I wasted your time. Maybe next time you'll learn that my blogs amount to little more than my random ranting.


  1. ERE5 M
    Ok I read this only because I just wrote something called "I think it's 3:11" two nights ago. Also, for some reason, this time 3:11am always seems to have some coincidental meaning for me for about 2 years now and I'm starting to believe its not a coincidence.

  2. jonathan hernandez13
    I have been there my friend, many many times...
    I always feel like a zombie afterwards, but I am a nocturnal person anyway and others are too.
    There is something about the pallid night that is pretty, no?:cool:
  3. Marshmallow
    Indeed Jon, indeed.
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