Lonely Soldier Keep Wandering

By J.P.Clyde · Jul 2, 2011 · ·
  1. The lonely soldier will keep wandering I think. He'll fight and fight, till he's exhausted and can no longer move. Till he's chained down with misery and pain. Till he no longer has the freedom to feel anything.
    I think this lonely soldier is looking for something lost. But he doesn't know it is lost. It isn't real to him yet, it doesn't feel real yet. Because this soldier has only heard from people that the person is gone. The other soldier is gone. This soldier was fond of this female soldier. For two lonely wandering souls, finally were able to fight the loneliness together.
    And even though both were lonely out of their chronic misery and chronic pain, they were going to have a family. Maybe it was unfair of them. To both be in such a miserable and lonely state even when together. Its a funny concept. They loved each other so much. But outside their relationship they had little to no friends. They weren't much accepted within society.
    Its almost horrible and disgusting how these two lone soldiers wanted a real life, but didn't know how to obtain that real life. The soldier, I think, wonders [ha get it wanders and wonders] if it were ever a good idea. That they were trying to become so normal, even when they hardly lived what would be considered the normal life.
    They didn't feel normal. Were the two similar he wonders? But none of his answers will be answered. None of his answers are ever good enough. He felt, even if he can't fully remember. That he was truly happy. Even if they were to similar. They were happy.
    Did that mean as long as those soldiers were together they weren't that lonely and miserable?


  1. Jonathan22
    Hey, I've read some of these of yours before. They are interesting, and quite appealing too.

    I like the use of all the short sentences. Something makes me think this wouldn't be as good with long and flowing sentences. The stops give time to reflect as the reader goes on.
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