
By Wreybies · Apr 21, 2017 · ·
  1. Pirates in the late 1600's and 1700's had a form of accepted, institutionalized same-sex marriage referred to as matelotage. It appears that this institution actually arises from a similar concept within the French navy. Not so much the Brits, but it seems the French were chill and pirates were literally centuries ahead of their time on certain social matters. ;)

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  1. big soft moose
    I'm sure British Navy seamen traditionally called Matelots to differentiate from Bootnecks - marines) will be delighted to hear it ;)
      Wreybies likes this.
  2. Wreybies
    Funny true story, @big soft moose: In Russian, seamen are either matros (матрос) or moryak (моряк). If you do something with a moryak, then it's s moryakom (c моряком), which is pronounced almost identically to the Spanish slur for gay guys, maricón. Given that the language school I went to was military, everything we talked about was in military terms. The first time any of our instructors had cause to say c моряком to us was Mr. Vinokorov - who was the kindliest, most humble man you could ask to meet. There was a moment of silent shock since it sounded exactly like maricón, and he was the last guy in the world you would ever expect to use such a word, and then 10 minutes of uncontrolled piss-your-pants laughter. When I could finally breathe enough to explain, he just smiled and turned beet red. Poor man. :)
  3. big soft moose
    I can see further confusion in that Matros is also polish slang for whore, although it implies more a gold digger than a prostitute
      Wreybies likes this.
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