Math Hammocks

By Ayge · Mar 20, 2010 ·
  1. I’ll write till my hands fall off
    I’ll sing till I cant breath the salt
    Rich air where the sea spray speaks.

    And move to where ice sticks out
    From under your noses breathe
    Where my mustache does no more then my bare lip.

    Windy treetops, mesas and pine
    Scattered deer and bear in the bush
    Till my feet fall, and my shoes weather into the soil

    Where my reflection sees me every chance its gets
    Where mirrored pools deny audience to the idle
    Desert dunes in between them and me

    Return to empty cottages beside streams
    Where I’ll wash my clothes in the spring
    And wake up to suburban living.

    I’ll walk and write and speak
    Change my pace when opposites meet
    Go off into the thicket where I lose myself
    Where bears and pools are scared to venture
    And objective life dies in sunless shrubs

    I know the way out, map and compass too
    I know the world that’s waiting
    Where the sun hits yellow almost everyday
    And white clouds rain soft

    In the thicket I’ll wander
    Paradise to the oblivious
    The first step doesn’t come along
    My feet still solid and together

    When I’m ready to burn my hands
    Into calloused badges
    I deny myself the gift

    Till I push with all my appendages
    There is no where else to go
    No love beyond the thicket
    Undecided between dreams and spectre’d reality


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