Missed me again (this time)

By GrahamLewis · May 3, 2019 · ·
  1. Looked out the kitchen window this morning and noticed what looked like a small tree in the backyard where none had been before. About 4 feet high, maybe 3 or 4 inches wide. No leaves and no branches were visible.

    On closer inspection it was a dead branch that had fallen from high up in one of our maple trees, and landed on its narrower end, so that it had thrust into the lawn about 3 or 4 inches deep. Like a javelin. I could only imagine what it would have done to me had I been mowing or otherwise puttering around out there, like I am wont to do in my dotage. But I wasn’t, so no harm, no foul. But is it a threat? I have reason to begin to feel a bit paranoid.

    Some years back I was driving home from work on a sunny, windy autumn day in the midwest, on a neighborhood street. I heard a sudden crash, breaking glass, and a sort of muffled thud. A tree branch, much bigger than the one this morning, had snapped off a tree and burst through the windshield on the passenger side, landing right where the passenger, usually my wife, would have been sitting. Fortunately for her she wasn’t sitting there. But then what if it wasn’t meant for her but for me? It wasn’t that far off from me.

    I know it happens. Maybe 40 years ago in my hometown a woman driving home from work got caught in good old Nebraska thunderstorm, and pulled over to let the worst of the storm go past. Suddenly an old maple tree split in the wind, and half of it fell on her car, crushing her.

    Doesn’t have to be trees, either. Back in my earliest days I was a news reporter in a small town. Every time the sirens went off I would grab my camera, hop in the car, and try to find out what was happening. One night, around 9 and dark, I followed the rescue squad to the edge of town. This was out in sugar beet country, and it was harvest time. The haulers usually didn’t have enough capacity in their trucks, so they would add a trailer -- a “pup” -- to hold the excess. Well, this night the trailer came unfastened and, unlighted, it swerved across the road where it collided with the passenger side of a pickup truck, neatly removing half the roof of the truck, on the passenger side. And, I discovered later when I developed my photos (shot almost randomly in the dark) neatly removed the head of the woman in that seat.

    Finally, in law school, in a trial practice class, our assigned case came in an amply illustrated book. Seems a gentleman was following a flatbed truck with a load of long thin cast iron pipes. You know where this is going. The pipes came loose, and one pierced the windshield; also the guy’s head.

    So it sometimes goes.

    I guess the moral of this little tale is simply that we never know if there is some inantimate object with our name on it, just lurking and waiting for a chance. And sometimes the aim is good.


  1. paperbackwriter
    You had to see the photo of a decapitated woman? Id be traumatised for life.
  2. GrahamLewis
    I not only saw it, I developed it and "dodged"out the worst of it so we could use it in the paper.
      paperbackwriter likes this.
  3. CerebralEcstasy
    I was nearly taken out by an errant chunk of wood off my husbands saw. I was 20' away, sitting in another area of the basement, he decided to use his skill saw in the house to cut some board for his train. The machine propelled a 2x2 piece across the room at quite a high velocity. We were both a little shocked, seeing how it narrowly missed my temple.

    Another time, a rock. I was standing calf deep in a local lake, admiring the clarity of the water and the beauty of my surroundings. The husband decided that then would be a good time to disrupt my reverie by throwing a grapefruit sized rock in the vicinity to splash me. Instead, I moved and what would have innocently landed in front of me, became a near miss. I was actually pretty upset about that one and asked him what on earth he was thinking.

    Yet, later I was reminded of my own stupidity. In my teens, I nearly killed someone with a rock. Was a boy I liked actually. I was up on the third floor of the family apartment and he was talking to me from below. We were talking music and he said 'I wanna rock!!' I thought it would be hilariously funny to give him one. So I had one and tossed it over. I regret that to this day. Thankfully it didn't hit the young man, but he wouldn't speak to me after that. It was just a dumb, not really thought out 'joke' that could have cost him his life!

    As to your story of the decapitated woman, yikes. I live in an area where trees are transported daily, and we are called to drive next to the haulers that bring them to and from. I've always been wary because of these types of stories. Probably more paranoid now, thanks to your story here *laughs*. However, forewarned is forearmed!
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