My Genius Idea - childrens TV

By Trilby · Jul 8, 2011 · ·
  1. I watched My Genius Idea on childrens tv this morning.

    Three children each programme have to come up with an invention - there is an expert judge whom picks the best idea to go through to the semi-final.

    Shannon age about 9 invented a bed making machine.

    This machine was a bed with two large mechanical arms - one on each side of the bed. At the touch of a button these arms take hold of opposite corners of the quilt and pull it up the bed.

    At the child's presentation, the judge Tom (did not catch his surname) questioned her about her invention.

    TOM - Who do you see this being a benefit to?

    SHANNON - It will be more of a benefit tho the disabled than anyone else.

    TOM - Suppose someone was having a restless night, flinging their arms about. What would happen if they accidentally hit the start button?

    SHANNON - Then it would grab them by the feet and pull them upside-down up the bed.



  1. auntiebetty
    Hi Trilby:
    As I am new to the Writer's Forum, I am little by little finding my way around.
    1.) I love this little vignette of the child with a new invention. I don't know if you made it up or it's real. But, it is a nice piece.
    2.) I don't know what the real purpose of these WF Blogs.
    If you let me know, then maybe I'll get one.
    3.) I subscribed to your blog.
    4.) I was going to say something else, but I seem to have forgotten what. See what it will be like once you pass seventy.

    Auntie Betty (having morning coffee in the U.S. Rocky Mountains. It was 61F at 9:30 am, but will be at least 78F by late afternoon.)
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