Not A Bad Deal (I Hope)

By GrahamLewis · Feb 15, 2019 · ·
  1. Got up this morning at a decent time, after a moderately good night's sleep, drove the wife to work, then got my son off to his work. Cleaned up the breakfast dishes, let the lovebird fly around for a bit, then sat down at the laptop and wrote a haiku. Sitting at a kitchen table on a cold winter day, cup of coffee at hand, warm house, and counting syllables is a good and privileged way to live.

    If karma counts, I find myself wondering if I was good in my last life and I am on way up, or if I am squandering these moments in maya and setting myself up for a correction in the next incarnation.


  1. paperbackwriter
    Blatant prosletyzing of Eastern religions Graham!
    Keep up the good work. Why should we hide our love of any religion or faith.
  2. GrahamLewis
    Paper -- If by proselytizing you mean trying to rationalize or justify a particular faith or belief, or to challenge those of others, that is the last thing I mean to do. This is a writing forum, and I view this blog as an opportunity to write on things know or think I know, which which are my personal experiences, thoughts, and occasional aspects of my inner journey. I have no "Great Commission" to share any religious news, good or otherwise or to advocate any doctrine; to the extent it matters to do so would be contrary to what I do believe, which is that we each have our own path and must find our own way, and respect those of others.

    If any of my posts come across as proselytizing, I apologize to you and any other readers who feel that. Either you have misread what I wrote, or I have written other than I intended. If either happens it's a reflection on me as a writer.

    I'll try to watch for and walk the line more closely.

      Shenanigator likes this.
  3. paperbackwriter
    All in fun GL. The bottom line is how we treat each other. Not who owns the best theology.
      Shenanigator likes this.
  4. GrahamLewis
    I own no theology. You're welcome to yours.
      Shenanigator likes this.
  5. Shenanigator
    Not proselytizing at all. Graham. Musing to oneself, or wondering in one's blog is in no way that. You weren't stating opinions as fact, or telling anyone else what to believe, or saying that their way is wrong. Muse away! :)
      GrahamLewis likes this.
  6. paperbackwriter
    Any chance for Shenans to stick one up me eh.
    (insert meaningless emoji)
  7. Shenanigator
    ETA: Quoting @paperbackwriter "The bottom line is how we treat each other. "
    In what way did going after me demonstrate that? My comment was a compliment to Graham (for being respectful) and referenced the crazy cult my mother was in. I think you owe Graham an apology for causing disharmony in his blog.
  8. GrahamLewis
    @Shenanigator, thanks for the kind words. I shall indeed muse on.

    @paperbackwriter, I don't think an apology is necessary and wouldn't demand one even if it were. I prefer to think of it as a disagreement or misunderstanding. Regarding such things, the Tao te Ching says, in Ch. 79,

    "After a bitter quarrel, some resentment must remain.
    What can one do about it?
    Therefore the sage keeps his half of the bargain
    But does not exact his due."

    I, though no sage, hold no grudge; what you do, my friend Paper, is up to you.
      Shenanigator likes this.
  9. paperbackwriter
    if any Christian quoted the Bible as much as you quoted Tao te Ching, you'd be all over them like a rash,
    I smell hypocrisy.
  10. GrahamLewis
    G'bye Paper.
      Shenanigator likes this.
  11. paperbackwriter
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