Remember: Don't Make Lemonade; It Won't Be Enough

By OmniTense · Mar 11, 2020 · ·
  1. Yeesh... Lots of problems outside our doors today. News Media is very happy. They're finding it easy to fill their time. Hopefully, there are a lot of people ready to invest in the stock market, who recognize an anomalous blip in market trends when they see one.

    Doesn't matter if you plan to live forever. Doesn't matter if you pat yourself on the back because you have all the handgel. You will not hold out until the vaccine is ready. This is an election year. Everyone in the US will be pressing the same touch screens and grabbing the same No2 pencils, Lysol and Hand Sanitizer be damned.

    Let me make this clear for you: You! The one reading this blog! You along with practically everyone else, will get this virus eventually. I am sorry.

    But it's not all bad news! This isn't Ebola or Malaria. This isn't even really as bad as a lot of Influenzas. I realize it's causing a lot of tension, though. People are hoarding...toilet paper...because that makes sense, I guess. A lot of festivals and things we look to for relaxation are being canceled. Admittedly, that is tragic. Things will prolly get even worse, given enough time, too. There's no shortage of Doomsayers and Fear Prophets... Like the Center for Disease Control...

    REALLY!? Tell people to stay home and watch Walking Dead so they know what to expect!? What the fuck is the matter with you? I bet CNN and FOX love you guys. You're never boring.

    But hey! Hey... No worries. Pretty soon people will be remembering this shit with Y2K and the Mayan Apocalypse and all the other potential catastrophes that bored impulsive people wish actually happened.

    So don't try to make bad out of the good. Bad and good aren't peanut butter and chocolate. You'll just get bad good things...gross. Don't make lemonade; it won't be enough anyway. Shut down. Switch off. Zone out. Veg out. Avoid life. Did you know it was okay to do that? Sure it is. See life is like the stock market. It has ups and downs and anomalies. Thank God...

    You can inure yourself, like us. You can avoid it, like us. Or you can let yourself be swamped, like us. I'm not saying any of these are right or wrong. Play life how you want. But if you struggle upstream in a rapid, you'll drown.

    But there's help on the way...

    In the meantime, I'm glad to say that this month offers Mental Health aids in, not one, but TWO different flavors. The Red Pill and the Blue Pill:


    I recommend both.

    Vaughan Quincey likes this.


  1. Vaughan Quincey
    Will we all get the virus? Possibly, there is no way to stop such a thing.

    I remember the Y2K, and I've been told that people during the Gulf War exhibited also the compulsive hoarding behavior we see now, with toilet paper and food.

    I've also seen those nuclear armaggedon exercises, they even taught children at schools, built bunkers,etc.

    Do some secretly wish for a big, nasty event? Sure, they always have. You can identify them as the guys spreading doom and gloom.

    We all probably need to swallow both pills to survive. In a way that's what we've been doing until now.

    And in case we are wrong and all goes to hell, we'll learn new strategies to cope with whatever we've end up with.

    The good side is everyone washing their hands and taking care of personal hygiene. Hopefully they'll keep doing it afterwards, but I suspect they won't.
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