That good feeling when:

  1. 1) You have deleted 4,000 words of your novel.
    2) You have written them again in one day and explored a subplot which wasn't being used.

    I ended up deleting twice the number of words that I thought I had to. But after three days of musing about it, I actually thought in a way to use a scene I was going to delete and worked through a subplot which explored the protagonist's backstory, the sidekick's true identity and moved the plot forward at the same time. And that took the 4,000 words I deleted.

    Feeling motivated again. Perhaps I will have the rough draft done until August of this year, if I keep my daily goal of 1,000 words a day...? It's very possible.

    I'm in the way of finishing my first novel, you guys. This deserves a celebrative post.


  1. maidahl
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