The Downside Of Asking For Advice

By Gladiolus83 · Jul 20, 2020 · ·
  1. Looking around at topics in this forum a realization dawned on me. While everyone here would agree that this forum is nothing but great and getting help when needed is a blessing when you are seriously stuck. However, there is a downside to this. There will be those who agree with you, and there will be those who disagree with you. This is nothing wrong in itself, we are all individuals with our own tastes and values. But it can become a problem when you listen to other’s opinions and it starts to affect your own. Take my personal favorite of my own stories, for example, I have gods and I have demons. Looking at the opinions represented here in the forum I realized that there are people (both here and elsewhere) who would say that my gods and demons aren’t gods and demons at all and that I should change what I call them. And I found myself starting to think about what to change it into, I admit that. I haven’t though, because in the end it is my story and not anyone else’s. If I take every advice I get to heart eventually it would stop being so. So while getting help when you need is not bad, one need to be aware of letting the comments you get worm their way into your mind and even more so, your story. As I have written in my own status, you can’t please everyone so why even bother trying? Your story is yours, don’t let anyone have to much saying in what goes into it.


  1. Steve Rivers
    Yup! Totally agree. Intelligence is listening to everyone's feedback and taking it onboard. Wisdom is logically working out what advice has specific merit to what you're trying to achieve, and which doesn't.
      O.M. Hillside and Gladiolus83 like this.
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