The Road to Slavery

By WordlyWriter · Mar 21, 2011 · ·
  1. Have you ever wonder what slavery is really like? Slavery was one of the
    greatest tragedies in many different kind of histories. There were many
    different appearance of slavery. Slavery have existed in different societies
    throughout the history. Most of the slaves are considered the property of
    others, many slave have been forced to work for long hours without the
    owners paying them. Owners, could freely sold or given away to other owners
    in a very cheap price.
    Over the years, most Africans who have came to America who were
    purchased through the slave trade. And white colonist viewed africans as
    rude and “turned to the slave trade to fill their labor needs.” The white
    English settlers don't know any other culture beside their culture; people
    were thought to be white or Christian, and anything else are a lack of
    manners. “During the Middle Ages in A.D. 500- 1500 , the slavery was reintroduce
    in the modern age.” Over 10 million black African slaves had been
    brought to Americas, and over 2 million slaves had died before they reach the
    In 1715 there were about 23,000 slaves, the slaves ships were built in New
    England shipyards, and New England curiosity became a triangular slave
    trade between the New England, West Indies, and Africa. The slavery had
    flourished in the South, and the South's economy trust on cotton, sugarcane,
    tobacco, and many other crops. And most slaves in the South worked in fields
    and “where called field hands.” And thousands were served as cooks, maids,
    cleaners, and a few skilled work of masons.
    In 1852 a publication of Harriet Beecher Stowe's novel Uncle Tom's Cabin
    helped popularize the antislavery movement. But the activities of such radical
    abolitionists as William L. Garrison (1805-79), Frederick Douglass (1817-95),
    and John Brown (1800-1859) only increased the conflict of slaveholders. For
    the example, John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry, Virginia, on October 16,
    1859, made Southerners so angry that they began what Garrison described as
    a "reign of terror." They randomly arrested and abused innocent travelers from
    the North. John Brown's raid brought the issue of slavery to a beggining.
    It is necessary to pay tribute to all these people who in spite of the cruelty in
    their lives managed to remain kind inside and some of them even tried to
    understand their masters. Thought the master-slave relations did have
    exceptions they still remained individual, where the only side expressing its
    opinion was the master’s side.Yet, this has become one of the most important
    lessons for the human nation, there is no condition under which one person
    can own control over another human.

    Works Cited

    The Book of Knowledge – Groilers – Label: S
    Internet Sources:

    “Slavery” Chronology on the History of Slavery and Racism. Eddie Becker
    1999. <>

    “Slavery” Slave Narratives from the Federal Writers' Project. *Norman R.
    Yetnam. <>

    “Slavery” Slavery in America. *Tony Seybert.

    *No date when they have written the article.


  1. Bay K.
    Yes, slavery was indeed a bad institution. All persons are created with equal right to life, freedom and happiness. Thank goodness slavery was abolished. I hope there are no de facto cases today. Let's all learn from that past evil --never to repeat such atrocities again.

    Thank you for sharing this.
    Be good, wise and strong --or don't be at all
  2. LordKyleOfEarth
    Slavery existed well before, and long after, the American-African slave trade. You miss out on the inter-African slave trade, the ancient Egyptian and Central American slave trades, the Greek and Roman slave trades, the issues of indentured servitude (which is basically slavery), modern 'white slavery' and the history of slavery in China.

    While it is terrible from a humanitarian perspective, slavery does work (to build empires) and in some cases (like modern Afghanistan) the enslaved workers do get food and shelter (which many others do not). It's an interesting topic and volumes could be written on it.

    I do appreciate that you included a works cited section, that is something that is unfortunately lacking in modern internet content.
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