
By Wreybies · Oct 28, 2018 · ·
  1. Here’s a GI-Joe™ missing an arm, missing a leg.
    There’s a Barbie™ upside down with no head, just a peg.
    There are random Lego™ pieces that are strewn here and there.
    This once was a Chewbacca™; now he’s bald, without a hair.

    This used to be a Slinky™; now it’s tangle beyond mend.
    This LightBright™ has no colored bits through which the light to send.
    This Battleship™ has not one boat to place upon the waves.
    Just one green soldier left, I fear, the rest all went to graves.

    These broken toys upon the floor, no, none belongs to me.
    My things are put away, my dear, whole and sound, you see.
    Do as you wish with what is yours, the chance we all do take,
    but leave them strewn about, it’s clear that surely they will break.


  1. peachalulu
    Love it, Wreybies! I especially like what you did with the first line in the last stanza - no, none belongs to me.
      Wreybies likes this.
  2. big soft moose
    i'm guessing wrey is having tidying up trauma again
      Wreybies likes this.
  3. Iain Aschendale
    Normally I don't do poetry analysis, but I think I know what this one's about.

    Tidying up :twisted:
      Wreybies likes this.
  4. Wreybies
    Yeah, I was like...

    1) Circumvent the rules.
    2) Flatly announce that you're circumventing the rules.
    3) Explain through circuitous logic why the rules don't apply to you.
    4) Stuff a bunch of words into Wreybie's mouth about how he's letting you break the rules (because that sounds soooo like me, right?)
    5) Proceed to sally forth.

      Some Guy likes this.
  5. Iain Aschendale
    As always, I missed it. Time zones :(
  6. Some Guy
    My son, at 4, didn't play with toys by himself. When he decided we were done, he would grab every lego and stack all the same colors, then arrange all the green army men in assault formation on the shelf, sit the Toy Story guys facing each other (all accesories in their hands), park the cars and trucks, and so on, then say goodbye to them. Did he think they would play in his absence? We had him tested, he's fine.
  7. Wreybies
    Just to be clear: this poem is not about toys.
      Iain Aschendale and Some Guy like this.
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