[Warning, Life Isn't for Sensitive People]

By OmniTense · Nov 24, 2019 · ·
  1. One day I was wandering across the Slaughters railroad tracks that ran parallel past the old Sebree station and I saw a head, come uncoupled from it's neck. My Mom gave me special medicine and I was told to forget it.

    "Only focus on happy thoughts. They're the only thing worth focusing on. The happy things are the only things that shape us. Besides, if we stop talking about horrible things, if we bury them deep in society, block them out of thought. Outlaw them out of discussion, repress all incidents of pain and misery, terror and horror... If we shield ourselves from all things that might offend, upset, trigger or horrify, then they will all go away."

    I thought about this. And I realized she was right. We deny power to those nightmarish unpleasant feelings if we simply deny their existence. If we keep doing this...they will disappear forever and no one will ever talk about them again.

    After all, to focus on terrible things, shame for shame, is considered by the word of God to be a...
    Cave Troll likes this.


  1. Madman
    Like in all things, balance and moderation might be a good guideline. One should focus on what makes life good, when one can. And when you have to face evil to survive, your focus should be on evil. Just be careful that you do not become so yourself.

    I disagree that ignoring evil will make it disappear. Evil will always exist in some form until the end of all life. You can be aware of its existence and still choose happiness and love. I would even argue that happiness and love can be amplified when you know of the alternative. After great turbulence you will truly appreciate stability.

    You seem to be in favour of outlawing it from discussion, yet you have made a blog article discussing it.
      OmniTense likes this.
  2. OmniTense
    You are, of course, entitled to your interpretation of my blog. But I would watch believing every word I type here, especially if I say it over and over, offer no proof or evidence,type it to no one in particular and post it with a contradictory title. More often than not people use blogs to vent against things they disagree or are frustrated with and some do so in very oblique ways.

      Madman likes this.
  3. Madman
    So it is a sort of art piece? Contradictory? Just venting. I think I may understand it now... I'm so dense, sorry.
      OmniTense likes this.
  4. OmniTense
    Hey, no worries. lol. It's an honest mistake and I was being particularly sideways about it. I can get pretty eccentric when it comes to blogging. If anything, it's always nice to know someone read it and thought about it. And your reply had some very valid points. ^^

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