Well, it’s certainly been a minute.

By Wreybies · Jan 26, 2020 · ·
  1. Why did I step down as admin? If you care to read on, I’ll get you up to speed:

    The aftermath of Hurricane Maria quietly morphed into the first passes of eldercare on my part. Maria aged all of us in ways that none of us can deny, but for my parents who were already well into the senior zone, the mark Maria left was game-changing, and I’m the only one around to provide for their care.

    And Puerto Rico’s recent inclusion into the Very Seismically Active Club™ has been a new flavor of crazy to assimilate.

    I was also growing deeply despondent with the way people engaged here, a fractal facet of Anglophone culture as a whole. The zeal with which people morally policed one another was hard to engage, especially when, from an exterior POV, no one held much of anything in the way of moral high ground. I don’t pretend my culture has any higher moral standing, but that’s the point, my culture doesn’t pretend to be what it’s not. We own our warts, and they are many. But the policing and shutupsky squads became the color and flavor of nearly every interaction I made here and even I got tired of wielding the ban-hammer because, as someone pointed out to me at one point, I was becoming deeply cynical. He was right, but the problem with that charge is that the indictment of cynicism speaks only to how we feel about a sentiment or phenomenon. It doesn't address veracity or verisimilitude, and often the cynic is drowning in unquestionable empirical evidence.

    So I stepped back. Initially, it was intended as a complete stepping away, but I am as much a creature of habit as any, and I’ve been part of this community for a goodly while.

    To the mods and admins, I promise to uphold the kvetch I so often made, that this place was ever and always a place to discuss writing. That’s what I intend to do and I will do everything in my power to make sure I am never someone with whom you are made to deal.

    To those who remember me, I may not be who you remember. Much of our interaction in the past may have been filtered through my prior position where I had little choice but to tolerate some viciously intolerable behavior. If I block you, it’s because I intend to hold to my promise to the staff, and also to a commitment to an internal locus of control, which includes the idea that I get to pick the engagements I want and swipe left on the ones that I don't.

    So, on to writing…


  1. jannert
    Happy retirement, you. :) And I hope the earth quits moving, very soon.
      Simpson17866 and Wreybies like this.
  2. big soft moose
    I'm sorry to see you stand down Bro, but happy to see you back here... looking forward to seeing the progress on the further adventures of brenn and um.... the other one
  3. Homer Potvin
    Glad to you out and about! Got nobody to discuss the finer points of China Mieville with anymore....
      EFMingo and Iain Aschendale like this.
  4. big soft moose
    i always thought moby dick was his best work :D
  5. OJB
    Enjoy your retirement, and I hope things get better and less stressful for you.
  6. Some Guy
    So glad to know you're back. Thanks for your service, by the way. Enjoy your new take on WF! :)
  7. A.M.P.
    Hope everything settles and you find a new peace after the aftermath.
    Either way, glad you're back as I am trying to make my own effort in returning.
    I hope the community hasn't changed so much.
  8. Wreybies
    But let's hope it's changed a little, in certain ways, yeah? ;)
      Some Guy and A.M.P. like this.
  9. matwoolf
    Was it because of me. When people write that certain known people ruin my entire everything and I hate them and I know they really do mean me. They do. It's always been that way I don't mean to cry, I always thought you were the best best best moderator even better than @Cogito he was the best original moderator, who was the original lord before him? At least you didn't die that was my original belief I think @J said something you were dead to her, it might have been someone else said that X
      Some Guy likes this.
  10. Some Guy
    Please, don't let Wooly change! It's them ears! Some things should never change.
  11. Cogito
    Sorry to see you step dawn, Wrey, but I certainly understand. Even though I was only a moderator, I know how much it can wear you down over time. You were better at it than I ever was, more patient by far. So you have all my respect.

    The world keeps spinning, and Puerto Rico has seen some of the worst of it over the last few years. Having those burdens land on your shoulders as well means something else has to give, if you are not yourself to be crushed under the weight. I hope you will channel some of the hard experiences into writing.

    Hasta luego.
      Some Guy likes this.
  12. Andrae Smith
    Wow! So glad to hear from you Wrey! I admire your strength patience and passion. Good luck looking to the future. :)
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