What To Debut With?

By Oscar Leigh · Mar 25, 2016 · ·
  1. So, for a while, as some of the people who know me well will know, I have consider my romance/drama "All The Odd Things" to be my debut novel. It's been the main candidate for first publish ever since I started writing scenes of it for my best friend. I decided; "heck, I'm already writing it, why stop now?' But recently, I had another idea.
    It's called Strange Days. Like a number of my ideas, it includes elements from previous scrapped ideas. And I started writing a prologue for it and I'm really pleased with the plot and character outlines I have. The main consideration between them is impact.
    Something I quickly realized early on about ATOT is that with two gay narrators and a romance plot between them, it's kind of intimate for a straight guy. If it was one character, it probably wouldn't be an issue. But I'm going in-depth with sex and love here. I'm not sure it's good for my future career to start with a book that screams "I am gay!!!" before I get a job. I'm extremely against being closeted, but maybe I should wait till I have a decent, reliable job if not my ideal career before I go screaming it from the rooftop. Should I do it with a pseudonym? I could publish it as Oscar Leigh I guess. The thing is this other book has a gay main character, but he's one of multiple leads, and it's a secondary plot point at best. And it's actually the writing style I prefer, ATOT is first-person present-tense diary like. I'm instinctively what I call "third-person switch" which is quite different. So perhaps it would be better to save ATOT till I've got some experience writing in my normal style before I experiment?
    What do you guys think? I'm happy to elaborate if you need more info.


  1. Lifeline
    We all have the same problem here ;)
    I concluded I will publish under a pseudonym as my job probably will not appreciate being a dark fantasy author with kind of twisted ideas. *shrug*. Just finish first, you can always decide later.
      Oscar Leigh likes this.
  2. Oscar Leigh
    But which one do I finish? I have to decide which one to write first.
  3. Lifeline
    Speaking from personal experience.. write the first one until you run into serious problems. As I have done. When your writing and sense of storyline gets better it is possible that you recognise problems which are not easily solved. And then you can start with a fresh WIP with newfound skills.. and this one won't be stunted nor incompetent ;)
      Oscar Leigh likes this.
  4. Oscar Leigh
    But which one is "first"? As in, ATOT?
  5. Lifeline
    The one you have already started on. I don't know how much you have written but at around 70/80k I recognised my own problems.
      Oscar Leigh likes this.
  6. Lifeline
    Writing is never wasted, even if you don't publish immediately. Let's be honest here, you probably won't. One never does with the first WIP. All writers talk about a learning curve and this is true - again speaking from personal experience. Just finish your first, write for yourself first and foremost! :)
      Oscar Leigh likes this.
  7. Oscar Leigh
    9790 words with multiple pages of notes for All The Odd Things.
  8. Lifeline
    You can always write both at the same time. One for you (and again, no one forces you to publish immediately), and the other one you feel close to, to aim for publishing. But don't put too much pressure on you :)
      Oscar Leigh likes this.
  9. Tenderiser
    Most readers are women, especially for books with a strong romantic element. Women are bigger readers of M/M fiction than men are. I think you're worrying about people who aren't ever going to be your target audience - men who're uncomfortable with gay protagonists.

    As for your question, it's not worth spending your brain space on until one or both of the novels are finished. Going purely on statistics, the first novel you pitch is highly unlikely to be your first one to sell. Fourth or fifth is more likely. So even if you shelve one of these novels and focus on the other, you won't be making any sort of commitment or decision about which will be your debut.

    In any case, making a dramatic switch in your writing style, genre, content, etc is a risky move. If these novels are really so different, then whichever fans you get for the first one might not be your target audience for the second. Maybe you'll use different pen names for each, as suggested.

    In short, I don't think it matters. :D
      Lifeline and Oscar Leigh like this.
  10. Oscar Leigh
    I wouldn't be using pen names for both, only for ATOT, and I'm worrying about bosses for my career, not readers for my hobby. I also wouldn't say "so different", but it's a quite different style and a somewhat different genre. Thanks for the advice though.:) And yeah, I was thinking it might not be a big deal.
  11. Tenderiser
    Ah, I see. Is your name unusual in some way? Otherwise a prospective employer googling it is unlikely to think you're the author of a book unless you've mentioned something about writing in your resume.

    I'm using a pen name because I'm literally the only person in the world with my real name + surname.
  12. Oscar Leigh
    It's pretty common. I have one of the most stereotypical Irish first names ever, and a surname that is quite common in Ireland though nobody here in Auz seems to know that.
  13. 123456789
    First person-despite what you might think- is usually harder to write than third.
      Lifeline and Oscar Leigh like this.
  14. Oscar Leigh
  15. AdDIct
    I personally don't really see the issue with either. I guess I'm a little more optimistic in the opinions of the people, but I also don't think people will necessarily immediately think you're "Oscar Leigh" from the book unless you're picture is in there somewhere. I'll probably use a pen name when I publish not so much to hide my identity just that my name is REALLY freaking long. And like @Tenderiser it's kind of one of a kind. Anyway off topic.

    I say finish which ever one calls to you more as cliche as that sounds. You're the author and also like others have pointed out you don't need to publish ATOT first even if you finish it first. Idk i feel this wasn't particularly helpful but yeah.
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