When the door opens.....

By Jay Scarlett · Nov 28, 2018 ·
  1. Door opens...
    Once the door opened I saw the man jump back and there it was a huge black shadow, I couldn't see it clearly but seeing how the four tall muscular man jumped back and almost scream; I knew then we wouldn't be able to get out or be save. The good thing is that we at least have some food, not so good food but we something. For what ever reason we are here they don't want us to die, just not yet. A few day have passed already and some haven't notice that there are people missing until some woman child disappear. Scream her name and desperately looking everywhere with eyes coming down her cheeks. A few help others just lay on the ground while the woman badly saying "Where is my daughter? Where's my daughter? Have you seen her?" most people just shake their heads. When the chattering becomes loud and annoying one of the muscular man with his friends walk toward the middle and yells at everyone to stop being noisy. Most people shut up and stare, others start to whisper; the man starts talking and I feeling coming I know what he going to say. Out of no where I saw that he looked at me for a few seconds and began to talk.

    Bob I named him Bob..

    Bob: "Everyone please be quiet, there are a few things that we all need to talk about. I know is hard but please bear with me."

    Guy 1: "Shut you mouths and listen if you want to know what is going on!"

    Lady: "Jessica! Jessica! where are you? Jessica?!"

    Guy 2: "Ma'am please be quiet and listen to what my friend is trying to say"

    Lady: "No! My daughter is missing I have to find her!" saying desperately.

    Guy 1 angrily shouting and glaring at the lady: "If you just shut up and listen, you will know where she might be."

    The lady let a big gasp out and nods her head.

    Looking shockingly back at Bob the room becomes so quietly that you can just hear the fire burning. Looking all around to make sure he has everyone attention, taking a long deep breath and loud enough for everyone to hear starts to speak.

    Bob: "I know you all are scare, frighten as hell of being here lock up not knowing where and why. I don't have the exact answer you want but what I can say is that some of you haven't notice some might."

    While saying the last part he looks over at me and continues.

    " There are some people missing not a lot just few enough that me and my friends notice."

    A voice in the crowd "What do you mean missing?''

    Guy 1: "Missing as gone, not here int his room anymore." bravely looking straight at the lady eyes "Including your daughter."

    Taking that to heart and screaming a big and loud "NOOOO!!!!" she began to hysterically cry.
    I see panic and fear getting bigger. When I look at Bob he is staring back at me.

    Bob: '' Please calm down! I think they come when we all sleeping and take one at a time or two." Takes a deep breath and sighs "I have seen what is beyond that door, well just a peek out there. Some one told me and I agree with that person." Looking straight at me for a few seconds.

    Did he meant me? I haven't talk to him or gone near him. Or is he just worried cause one of the few kids in here. Without taking it so much I ignore all the stares.

    Bravely continuing talking "I think we are in hell. Some where deep in hell."
    The background noises and yelling "What? what do you mean hell?" "Who told you this?" "how do you know?" "Are you sure you telling us the truth?" Question after question but Bob kept calm and kept talking without any fear showing. I know we all afraid including him but he is not showing it.

    Bob desperately " Please stay calm and quiet. All I can say is that some how we all were taking from our home and woke up here right everyone knows that. Also about the people that have being taken away.... they, uh, I don't know exactly how to say it so I am just going to come out and say it."

    everyone with a frighten look in their face look around at each other when Bob said that.

    Continues "Yes, we are in hell and there are demons outside that door." Pointing straight at the huge cold steel door.
    Amazed and looking straight to the door and for those closer to it they take a few steps back away from it.

    "The people they have taken" pauses and breaths before continuing "They don't come back. Out of all of those people only two have made it back." ..........



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