Are first and multiple drafts really well necesssary?

Discussion in 'Revision and Editing' started by fjm3eyes, Nov 10, 2018.

  1. Rzero

    Rzero Reluctant voice of his generation Contributor

    Oct 29, 2018
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    Oh, I see my mistake. I thought this was, a forum for writers. All along I've been logged into, a place where we beg for publishing advice.

    I really don't care about all that history. Honestly, I started skimming pretty early because I wasn't even sure why you were telling me all of that. It won't change my opinion that your comment about novice writers was superior and condescending. I felt compelled to call you on it on general principal. I wasn't ugly about it, at least I certainly didn't mean to be. You said something rude that applies to the vast majority of members of this site, and I tried to give you good reasons for not disparaging nearly everyone here. I'm sorry you disagree, and I'm sorry you don't see the value in the amateur's opinion. Maybe it's all about publishing to you. Certainly that would my and most writers goal, but I obviously wasn't taking only about publishing advice, and neither was the target of your remark about novices.

    So, hopefully that's one mess solved, though somehow I doubt that's the last I'll hear about it. Here's another:
    Wow. Where to begin with this... I'll probably just have to decide the same way I do about most things, common sense, research (if warranted) and the fact that I'm not a complete drooling idiot. Generally, if I ask a question on this forum, it's about some facet of a story and is usually open to a broad spectrum of opinion. Your condescending question wouldn't even apply.
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2018
  2. Carriage Return

    Carriage Return Member

    Oct 7, 2018
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    Last edited: Dec 31, 2018
  3. Spirit of seasons

    Spirit of seasons Active Member

    Jun 11, 2018
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    As long as the story is well written I see no reason why a publisher would at least consider taking it on as a project. They do not have infinite resources so they have to cherry pick the stories that will cater to the current market.

    Once a book has reached publication I think any story can be saleable as long as proper care is taken with the cover and back blurb. A well drawn cover will generate sales.

    I think the trick is finding an agent that can market your story to the right publisher. Like trying to shoot an arrow on horseback wile riding backwards, blindfolded, as someone is telling you where to aim.
  4. EdFromNY

    EdFromNY Hope to improve with age Supporter Contributor

    Jun 13, 2010
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    Queens, NY
    @Rzero - I offer the benefit of my experience. Whether you take it or not is up to you. I've often said of this site that it is something akin to a professional study group, in which all members have some knowledge but few, if any, have all the knowledge that's needed. When I first joined, I held a number of opinions that experience has proven false. There's nothing wrong with students sharing opinions (i.e. the study group model), but those opinions should come with a warning label. In any event, I leave the discussion at this point and wish you good luck.
    Shenanigator likes this.
  5. Damien Loveshaft

    Damien Loveshaft Active Member

    Jun 9, 2017
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    I like to do only a first and last draft I think. I do rewrite the entire last draft over though to assure I'm actually reading and editing it. I plan incredibly thoroughly though and I can see why pantsers or plantsers may need 3 or 4.

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