1. Raven

    Raven Banned

    Oct 14, 2006
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    The NetherWorld

    The Ghosts and paranormal Thread.

    Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by Raven, Oct 21, 2007.

    Basically any stories myth's of the paranormal.

    I'll start.

    Ok who beleives in ghosts and why, have you seen one had an experience or you just beleive in Ghosts.
  2. Lemex

    Lemex That's Lord Lemex to you. Contributor

    Oct 2, 2007
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    Northeast England
    I think they can happon, but not very oftan, but I love the ghost stories.

    Will share some good ones later.
    I know some crakkers.
  3. SeaBreeze

    SeaBreeze Banned

    Dec 15, 2006
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    At the bar
    I've seen two. I have also had one open the bathroom door while I was having a shower....
  4. Lemex

    Lemex That's Lord Lemex to you. Contributor

    Oct 2, 2007
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    Northeast England
    You've actaully seen one?
    What do they look like?
  5. Torana

    Torana Contributor Contributor

    Mar 13, 2007
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    I don't know if I believe really.
    But in my parents home you would see a figure go past the lounge door way and then the bread cupboard would open >< Coincidence I think.

    My aunt said she had bad spirits in her house and she had to get priests in to get rid of them. The priests have stated that there were objects thrown around the room, but I am rather sceptical about it all.
  6. rml8607

    rml8607 New Member

    Aug 1, 2007
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    Roswell, Ga
    I've never really believed in ghosts, nor have I seen one. But once or twice, I've been in a room alone and gotten this creepy ass feeling that someone else was there. Probably just me freaking out, but it scared me enough that I had to leave the room and turn on loud music or the tv.
  7. Domoviye

    Domoviye New Member

    Jan 8, 2007
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    Proud Canadian. Currently teaching in Nanjing, Chi
    Something not ghost related.
    When I was 2 or 3, my Dad worked at a fly in mine, so he'd be gone for the entire week. One day, shortly after my Dad had left, I said "Daddy's in bed." My Mom explained he was at work and not in bed. I kept on saying "Daddy's in bed."
    So my Mom took me into all the rooms in the apartment, and then to some other apartments to prove my Dad wasn't in bed.
    Despite that for the next 3 days I kept on saying "Daddy's in bed."
    Finally I stopped saying it. On the fourth day my Dad phoned home, and told my Mom he had been in bed with a really bad flu for the last three days.

    I'm not a firm believer in psychic phenomena (at least not most of the overt stuff), and I don't believe in ghosts, but interesting things do occur.
  8. Baywriter

    Baywriter Contributor Contributor

    May 31, 2007
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    I don't believe in them. That's all I'll say.
  9. Charisma

    Charisma Transposon Contributor

    Jul 23, 2007
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    Lahore, Pakistan
    I don't believe in them. At least not 'ghosts'. Jinns are another matter and certain things deem their existence.
  10. rml8607

    rml8607 New Member

    Aug 1, 2007
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    Roswell, Ga

    That's really cool. It's like that movie Stir of Echoes, where Kevin Bacon's kid keeps talking about feathers
  11. mypensmysoul

    mypensmysoul New Member

    Jul 26, 2007
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    The U.S. of A.
    I'm not sure what I believe, but wouldn't it be terrifying if there were? Terrifying as well as pretty damn cool?

    However, there are other sorts of phenomena that I do believe in, such as other-wordly experiences and out of body experiences...

    Relating to ghosts however, I am Catholic, and I do believe that angels and demons both walk amongst us either as human beings or just thoughts in our minds.. That is similar to ghosts, kind of. (Read: The Screwtape Letters)

    -I do not believe in the string theory, but I thought it'd be wild to share...

    The string theory suggests that there are parallel universes and when these universes collide (very infrequently) a new universe is born and 'ghosts' AKA people from other universes can be seen.
  12. Cogito

    Cogito Former Mod, Retired Supporter Contributor

    May 19, 2007
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    Massachusetts, USA
    I'm highly skeptical about ghosts and paranormal phenomena, but it doesn't prevent me from enjoying a well told ghost story.
  13. Frost

    Frost Active Member

    Nov 13, 2006
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    I dont believe in ghosts. I dont believe in much outside of science.
  14. ScaryPen

    ScaryPen Active Member

    Sep 20, 2007
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    I can't believe with 100% certainty in ghosts unless I see one with my own eyes, but I do have fun listening to spooky anecdotes. I like keeping an open mind (makes life more interesting :) )

    My parents and relatives have a lot of ghost stories and it's fun listening to all that. My mom tells stories of a poltergeist infestation in a neighbour's house in the village when she was a kid. The son of the family would get dragged by someone invisible every evening when he was returning with other boys (including my uncles) from drama rehearsals. Something would pick him up and then dunk him in the pond again and again and all the other boys would run screaming. His mom would then come out with a lamp and weep by the pond till the thing was finished dunking the guy and returned him to dry ground safe, wet and scared witless. The family couldn't sleep because bricks, iron rods, sickles, and knives would rain on the roof or appear and clang suddenly by the bed when they tried to sleep. Obviously the family moved to the city, but my mom and the other kids didn't go by that road after dark for a long time.

    I have my doubts about what really caused all that and how much of it was exaggerated but it's fun to suspend disbelief for a while, isn't it?
  15. Domoviye

    Domoviye New Member

    Jan 8, 2007
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    Proud Canadian. Currently teaching in Nanjing, Chi
    Researchers have found that by applying low level electrical fields to peoples brains they can create hallucinations.
    This one woman was hooked up to some wires, sat on a bed, and asked to look at a card. They ran a very low level current through wires attached to her scalp, and she said felt someone was in bed beside her not moving.
    They turned it off, and the feeling went away.
    They upped the volts, and as she looked at the card, she said a person, a man now, was looking at the card over her shoulder unmoving.
    They turned it off, and the feeling went away.
    They upped the volts again, still well within safety limits, and at levels you would occasionally find in nature. This time the woman was frightened, saying that a man was behind her, very angry and trying to take the card away from her. They immediately stopped the experiment, and the hallucination went away.
    Scientists have run this experiment several hundred times, and believe it explains most hauntings, and alien abduction stories. Because electricity can cause electronics to react oddly, and mess with peoples perceptions.

    With psychic phenomena, this is more difficult.
    Most cases I've heard of haven't been well documented, or have been disproven. But one experiment has shown interesting results.
    Most people have heard of the experiment where a person in one room concentrates on a card with a symbol on it. A person in another room has to try to guess which one they're looking at.
    Most times the guesses are accurate about 25% of the time well within the laws of chance.
    But when they've placed both subjects in isolation chambers, blocking out all sound, sight (except for a small screen that shows one of four or six symbols), smell and limiting even the sense of touch, the correct choices goes up to about 33%. not much but still extremely high by the laws of chance.

    So I like to keep an open mind, but look for the truth behind the stories.
  16. SeaBreeze

    SeaBreeze Banned

    Dec 15, 2006
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    At the bar
    What do they look like? well, it's hard to explain. The first ghost I saw was when I was twelve or something (I was young.) My borther and I were sleeping in the loungeroom and had just turned the television off. A while later, I did look at the clock and It was around midnight to add to the corniness, and there was this fuzzy grey oval shape on the screen. I checked to make sure the tv was off-it was, I watched as it started forming in the shape of a face, except there were indents were the eyes and mouth was supposed to be (much like when you makr a mask from papermache`) I blinked, rubbed my eyes and his under the sheets for five minutes. I poked my head out and it was still there. I woke my brother and asked him if he saw it and he mumbled yeah then went back to sleep. After a while I fell asleep.

    The second was I was having a shower once and I looked past the curtain to see a faint outline of a shoulder and it was yellow like he was wearing a shirt and it walked past the shower to the wall and that was that! Scared the crap outta me and I believe that was one of the shortest showers I have ever had.

    The other one was recently where I was having a shower, and the door opened, llike it was being pushed. I heard the doorhandle turn as well. I figured it was my mum letting my cat in the bathroom (He likes being in the bathroom for some reason.) and after a minute I poked my head out of the curtain expecting to see my cat. He wasn't there and I called out to mum several times, she eventually asked me what I wanted and I asked her if she had opened the door. She said that she hadn't even left the loungeroom.

    Another time and my dad, my brother and I had gone to visit rellies and mum was home alone doing cleaning and she was in my brothers room when she started having a conversation. It dawned on her a couple of minutes later that she was the only one in the house.

    So I htink my mums house has a ghost. We talk to it quite frequeantly.. mainly when it takes things. A few times I've placed something down, (usually something small) and when I went to pick it up it was gone. I looked everywhere and then I finally shouted out (I was on my own that time) "OI! Ghostie! give me back my scourer!" I turned around again and it was sitting on the table.

    So yeah, I have a ghost that follows me around. But i'm not too scared.

    But there are some places where you go to at night, it's dark, your with a group of friends (let's say on a ghost tour or something) and the psycological awareness is pretty high so that everything from the sound of the house expanding or your itchy head is something paranormal so basically, you psyche yourself out. And it doesn't help when you have friends.

    But all in all, I do belive in ghosts and the paranormal. I believe that there are things out there, both good and bad. And there is something out there laughing at us.

    There are other things but hey, I don't wanna wear my fingers down to the bone by typing it all up!
  17. ScaryPen

    ScaryPen Active Member

    Sep 20, 2007
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    ^what Domoviye said, it's really interesting.

    Reminds me of something I'd read long back about how people have often wondered if there are electro magnetic fields or anomalies around a place that can cause mirage effects and cause 'hauntings'.
  18. ScaryPen

    ScaryPen Active Member

    Sep 20, 2007
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    And Dropbear_OZ, Wow!
  19. SeaBreeze

    SeaBreeze Banned

    Dec 15, 2006
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    At the bar
    Aparently there are things called Ley Lines. Not quite sure what they are but they run around in the Earth. Lines of energy. Picture something like the longitude and latitude but more of them. I think. I only read about them though.
  20. Domoviye

    Domoviye New Member

    Jan 8, 2007
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    Proud Canadian. Currently teaching in Nanjing, Chi
    Ley lines are lines of, depending on who you ask, natural mystical earth energy, ancient grids of super advanced energy for Atlantians or aliens, areas where the dimensions are weak (this is more common where ley lines intersect), and several other theories.
    In most cases ley lines are believed to stretch a few miles to thousands of miles. The Bermuda Triangle is suppose to be three massive and dangerous ley lines. When three ley lines form a triangle its believed it forms some super strong energy field that really messes with the natural world.
    Where ley lines intersect, especially if three or more intersect, is suppose to be a point of very high mystic energy. Stonehenge, and the other standing stones are believed to mark areas where these lines intersect with Stonehenge being the strongest. In other parts of the world temples, oracles, drawings (the Nazca lines being the most famous) are suppose to mark other areas where lots of ley lines exist.
    One way to know if you are by a ley line is to look for weird phenomena. In Europe its fairy circles, in North America, various rocks and formations that give people a sense of unease. In Asia its generally these areas are considered more peaceful.
    There is no known scientific way to track ley lines, and no proof they actually exist. But people still insist they are real and keep trying to prove them. In some areas they have noticed interesting electrical interference. Batteries lose power more quickly, video cameras don't work well, increased electrical fields things, like that. But if what I said earlier about electrical fields causing hallucinations is correct, these areas are completely natural, and merely messing with peoples heads and making them see supernatural phenomena rather then a rare natural phenomena.
  21. Eoz Eanj

    Eoz Eanj Contributor Contributor

    Nov 11, 2006
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    Apparently, according to my Mum's friend's psychic, my dead Grandmother hangs around me all the time and that if I am silent and still, I can feel her presence, it's like 'cold static' ..

    Apparently anyway..

    Honestly the notion of my Grandmother being near me when I'm making out with my boyfriend makes me feel .. uncomfortable.
  22. SeaBreeze

    SeaBreeze Banned

    Dec 15, 2006
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    At the bar
    I like to think that they realise that we are in a private and personal moment and leave us alone during that time!
  23. wordwizard

    wordwizard New Member

    Feb 5, 2007
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    Vancouver Island
    hahah amen to that!
    I am not sure what I believe. I have never had anything wierd happen to me. I still do not fully disbelieve either. Maybe because I am a writer and have a vivid imagination. Just reading this thread makes me want to look behind me to see if anything is there...or when running up the stairs I run fast like something is behind me, or trying to grab my feet. Yes I realize that everyone feels that when they are like 7 but like I said I am a writer through and through which makes things more real for me...haha
  24. Raven

    Raven Banned

    Oct 14, 2006
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    The NetherWorld
    Im not sure about belief in ghosts, but I do know there is something out there. Sometimes the feeling in the dark of someone behind you can be too strong to be put down to your own paranoia.

    And sometimes things happen and you just can't figure them out like Deja Vue
  25. SeaBreeze

    SeaBreeze Banned

    Dec 15, 2006
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    At the bar
    I get dejavu all the time. It's really annoying! I heard that if you get DejaVu, you're on the right path. Or something like that. But I believe in ghosts and things. I think it's more difficult to tell the difference between you rmind playing tricks (psyching yourself out) and something real and from teh other side.
    I also head someone, a young voice, say, tell mum I'm okay. It took me a minute to realise it was my 6 yr old nephew that had passed away a few weeks earlier. The voice was vivid enough that I woke up so Yeah, ther is something out there, I believe anyways, besides, I like the thought of an afterlife because It's better than thinking that poof! Your gone when you die. Nothing left at all excpet being remembered by relatives and friends. And even then that fades with time.

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