1. MatrixGravity

    MatrixGravity Member

    Feb 25, 2011
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    New York

    How would you guys describe these personality traits?

    Discussion in 'Character Development' started by MatrixGravity, Apr 23, 2012.

    Here are two different personality's of two females I personally know.

    First one:

    -Constantly needs to be reminded that she's pretty.
    -Always seeks validation and approval from others in order to feel comfortable in her own skin.
    -Feels good about herself when guys stare at her in public.
    -Constantly try's to change herself to be like other people.
    -Feels the need to cover herself with makeup to conceal her flaws and so she won't be judged.

    Second one:

    -Does not care what others think about her.
    -Has no problem being seen in public without make-up or if she doesn't look attractive.
    -Doesn't feel the need to try win the attention of other guys.
    -Knows how to be herself and doesn't try to emulate other people.
    -Wears little makeup and often goes out in public with messy hair regardless of being judged.

    So, what are some words that would adequately describe the personality traits of these two people? What do you guys think?
  2. Cogito

    Cogito Former Mod, Retired Supporter Contributor

    May 19, 2007
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    Massachusetts, USA
    First one is probably insecure.

    Second one is more difficult. She sounds more oblivious than secure though. She doesn't sound like she has pride in herself. Possibly apathetic. Or rebellious.
  3. madhoca

    madhoca Contributor Contributor

    Dec 1, 2008
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    the shadow of the velvet fortress
    I have to disagree with Cogito on the second one, since it could pretty much describe me at certain phases in my younger years. It was not a security/insecurity thing, or that I was apathetic. I have great pride in myself, in fact I was pretty pig-headed when younger. I never equated makeup with looking attractive, in fact I still think makeup can often look fake and unattractive, so don't often wear it. I got attention from guys, and not just sexual attention, without seeking it, but hated any feminine ploys or frilliness. The style was a form of rebellion and aggression. It was also circa 1974 a feminist power thing--the idea of refusing to dress to 'please men'--although I always preferred being with men than hanging around a bunch of boring women.
    The edges got softer in time.
  4. Trilby

    Trilby Contributor Contributor

    Jun 21, 2010
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    NE England
    I too agree with Cogito on the first one but not the second one.

    I feel the second one is comfortable in her own skin. She sounds confident. Could well be an academic.
  5. Dharlas

    Dharlas New Member

    Apr 23, 2012
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    The first one seems kinda vain and I agree insecure. Perhaps even fearful of discrimination and fragile minded. Based on possible characteristics I would say untrustworthy, cold, and a manipulator and well as being manipulated. Not a lone wolf but a sheep needing guidance, someone not very trustworthy in a difficult situation who is more likely to lose their head and panic instead of being an asset to the situation at hand.

    The second one seems to almost be the opposite, in some cases but not in all. She seems aloof and sturdy, someone you can trust to be strong when you need them to be. She seems to actually try to repel attention rather than draw it, which in itself will also draw attention to herself. She seems self-sufficient but still cares just enough about appearances just to get by. Perhaps she is actively seeking attention for herself by separating herself from the flock and defining herself as a black sheep instead. She could be trying to attract attention, by making it seem that she doesn't want the attention.

    It is really hard to just look at the surface layers of these 2 people, there could be a lot more going on then we could really go with. The information for the first one is adequate enough, but the second one is a deeper person who could either be someone desiring attention and acting out or could possibly just be someone who really honestly doesn't care about anyone or anything, it really is too difficult to say with 100% certainty about the second one for sure.
  6. MatrixGravity

    MatrixGravity Member

    Feb 25, 2011
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    New York
    That's a great take on it. Wonderful. Here is some more information on Girl #2.

    -She's a great chase, she doesn't need a man and doesn't easily give in to temptation and people's advances.
    -She's not glamorous. While she may be considered beautiful by universal standards, she's not hot in the bombshell, high-maintenance, stereotypical Tinseltown way.
    -She's smart. In conversation, she comes off as articulate and bookish, listening intently to questions and answering thoughtfully with the occasional big (but unpretentious) word thrown in.
  7. Nakhti

    Nakhti Banned

    Feb 22, 2012
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    Seriously, WHY are these posts not being moved to a more appropriate location? They are obviously not about SPaG - please read the rules and learn to use the site properly!

    Cog, as an 'ex mod', you should be on this....
  8. Lemex

    Lemex That's Lord Lemex to you. Contributor

    Oct 2, 2007
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    Northeast England
    This thread has been moved. This discussion fits better here in the 'Character Development' section.
  9. jazzabel

    jazzabel Agent Provocateur Contributor

    Jan 5, 2012
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    PRESENTABLE - this suggest barely adequate standard, like when a kid goes to church, his knee is scraped, shoes slightly muddy but mum managed to put his Sunday clothes on him. He is presentable, albeit barely.
    CASUAL - this is a good word, as long as you are not referring to tracksuits. Cargo pants, smart cross between a shoe and a sneaker, a clean sweater. Nothing fancy. If you go a bit more upmarket here, you can get smart-casual.
    SOPHISTICATED - for a man, this would be designer clothes. Think Milan.
    DYNAMIC - not a good word for clothing. Instead use "practical" to indicate outdoorsy fashion style.
  10. Ettina

    Ettina Senior Member

    Nov 21, 2011
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    First one sounds like Histrionic Personality Disorder.

    Second one sounds a lot like me. I'm high functioning autistic and asexual. I have no interest in attracting a partner, makeup feels uncomfortable, and I'm kind of oblivious to societal norms, so that's why I appear the way I do. (I never go around with messy hair, because it makes my head itch. But I do sometimes go around in public when it's been too long since my last bath.) And my usual mode of conversation is 'info-dump', so my high intelligence is usually readily seen by people interacting with me. Although if you want someone to win her romantically, however difficult it is, you'd better not make her asexual. If a guy tried to win my heart romantically, he'd be doomed for failure no matter how nice he was, because I'm just not capable of those emotions. It's not a choice, it's the way I'm wired.

    But anyway, you could make her autistic, or on the broader autistic phenotype (a term for people with autistic traits but not enough for a diagnosis).
  11. The Tourist

    The Tourist Banned

    Mar 27, 2012
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    First off, let's assume you are going to utilize these traits in a story you're working on. Yeah, yeah, I know, never assume.

    I actually have "the second girl" as a character in my story. Having said that, there's a whole lot of room between the two characters. They are extremes of the bell-shaped curve.

    To demonstrate this, imagine the potential male leads you might use in a story--and you only get to pick one of them. It's either Schwarzenegger or Niles Crane. I'm sure many of us would respond that the choices for their POV on life are too limited for many stories.

    I don't give a flying flip about what most people think--but I always polish my boots. That's a microcosm for much of the population. We have characteristics of both sides of the aisle. Hey, I've seen my wife put on make-up to go sit in a dark theater. The minister of my church that married us was a target shooter.

    Happens all of the time. In terms of a story, having that element as a character flaw might help you demonstrate an action in a future situation. You know, "show, don't tell."
  12. digitig

    digitig Contributor Contributor

    Jan 21, 2010
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    Orpington, Bromley, United Kingdom, United Kingdom
    Neo-Keynesian, dimensional, digital.

    Completely meaningless in the context of clothing, of course, but it might pique their interest and be something to talk about in the interview. Just make up a good story.
  13. spklvr

    spklvr Contributor Contributor

    Oct 29, 2010
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    Sarpsborg, Norway
    No offence, but they both sound kind of stereotypical. In my experience, people who walk around looking sloppy and doesn’t care how they look or about the other gender are often the most insecure. One of my friends for instance always wears baggy, comfortable clothes, never wears make-up and her hair is usually greasy. She is very intelligent and interesting to talk to, and she has no interest in boys, only work. Yet she is bulimic, refuses to go out and have fun anywhere with lots of people and is probably the most insecure person I have ever met. I know girls like the first one too, who doesn’t go to the mailbox without full make-up and high heals. Obviously extremely insecure as well.

    If you want to describe a truly secure woman, you need to find a middle ground. Someone who likes to be attractive, but doesn’t die if she has to go to the store without make-up on and her hair in a bun. Who wants to find a man, but knows she’ll be fine even without one. I think it’s unrealistic for most people to be okay with the thought of being alone, whether they are confident or not.
  14. The Tourist

    The Tourist Banned

    Mar 27, 2012
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    Well, it also depends on the age group, as well.

    For example, my clothes are always clean, and I buy clothes that fit. The problem is that I do not care to iron, I wear riding jackets exclusively where you might wear a sports coat, and my boots are clearly for bikes. People often remark that I am "rumpled," or as one girl friend commented, "scruffy."

    When I use the phrase, "I don't care," it's more about what works for me after all of these years. I no longer hold a white collar job, I won't be going on interviews, I no longer date, and when I see bankers it's as a customer.

    In short, this type of decision making process is age appropriate for someone of my situation. If anything, guys like me are so secure that we might not even notice disapproving stares, because we just don't focus on such things. For example, I have not shaved in a few days.

    Now, a guy who reports to an administrator, or is seeing a new girl, or is out pounding the pavement for a job, he needs to care about appearance. In fact, he might be more insecure for fear of choosing the wrong tie, or even the wrong tailor. Some uptown law firms or brokerage houses have some very tight rules.

    But those are the extremes. I did hire people in my 'adult job.' Neat, clean and on time meant more to me than the designer label.
  15. jazzabel

    jazzabel Agent Provocateur Contributor

    Jan 5, 2012
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    These behaviours strongly suggest some histrionic personality traits possibly with some body dysmorphia issues

    These are not so suggestive of personality traits because these behaviours can be a part of a host of different personality types. I have to say that this description strikes me as much less neurotic than the first, but it is impossible to tell whether she is just a tomboyish, well-rounded secure person, or maybe an insecure person who compensated by rebelling against the society's expectations.

    The first description is much more telling because it describes insecurities and flaws. The second description, because it describes lack of flaws, doesn't really say much about the personality traits of that character.

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