1. thesilentassassin007

    thesilentassassin007 New Member

    Apr 19, 2024
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    United States

    Hi Everyone!

    Discussion in 'New Member Introductions' started by thesilentassassin007, Apr 19, 2024.

    This is the first time I've ever really ventured out into an online forum community, but I'm really excited to contribute, get to know people, and hopefully improve my own writing in the process. :) I'm not entirely sure how to introduce myself or make a post like this, so here goes: my name is Seth and I'm 26, and I live off the east coast in the United States. I've loved reading since I was very young (at age 7 I read the entire Chronicles of Narnia series, lol) and it wasn't too long after that that I started writing narratives as well as drawing out comics in my free time for fun.

    When I was around 18 I started to get more serious about my writing, and after a lot of self-reflection (plus even more reading and endless day-dreaming) I realized I wanted to become an author for my career. I haven't quite achieved that yet but if all goes well I'll hopefully be done with my first novel in a few months. Like I said, I've never really done anything in an online forum before, but I figured it would be a great help as I really work to nail down my own writing process and form.

    I love God, I love people, and I love making the world a better place in any way I can. Life can be really hard sometimes but books and stories have always been a magical escape for me, so I hope my writing can provide my future readers with the same thing someday. And maybe even help them along the way somehow.

    I look forward to getting to know all of you better in the coming months. Happy writing everyone! :-D
    Ink Well and Louanne Learning like this.
  2. Louanne Learning

    Louanne Learning Happy Wonderer Contributor Contest Winner 2022 Contest Winner 2024 Contest Winner 2023

    Jun 9, 2022
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    Hello and welcome, Seth, you'll find this is a great place to ask questions about all things writing-related. Have a look around and make yourself at home. Looking forward to seeing you in the forums!
    thesilentassassin007 likes this.
  3. Rath Darkblade

    Rath Darkblade Active Member

    Jan 13, 2024
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    Hello there, Seth mate! :D G'day from Australia! (Yep, the Land of Upside-Downer Peoples, Giant Venomous Spiders, Humungous Leaping Rats, and Bloodthirsty Droppy-Downy Killer Bears. :p The only thing that doesn't try to kill you here are some of the sheep. And we're not too sure about them). *gives the nearest sheep the stink-eye* ;)

    What genre(s) do you like to write? :) Personally, I tried giving almost anything a try -- fantasy, sci-fi, history, mythology, haiku, limericks ... but not romance. Oh well. This isn't Pokemon! Gotta write 'em all? ;) Nah! I'll stick with what works for me, thanks :p

    Welcome to the forums.

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