  1. Nedjes

    Nedjes New Member

    Nov 11, 2008
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    Greetin's, Salutations, & Whatnot

    Discussion in 'New Member Introductions' started by Nedjes, Dec 1, 2008.

    Hello all. Figured I'd get this introduction thing out of the way on the road to a perhaps more active membership on the boards!

    This is largely my Litmus test for these forums, I suppose! I can toss a pebble in the pond and watch it ripple, if only a bit, and then decide if becoming an active character on these forums is something that would be beneficial, and more importantly amusing. ;) (And I'm rather hoping the folks on these boards pay attention to this section. hehe)

    Anyhow, I'm a University student from Alaska, and I am a History major with my minor generally flip-flopping between education, philosophy, or God knows what next. I've written in the past, though largely it has been because of academic work, or simply as a way of getting the general junk of life off my chest. This latest semester, however, I've taken a Fiction class, and it's been particularly fun not only writing, but finding out what everyone else is writing as well. Given my class schedule for the following semesters, I will unfortunately be unable to continue those sorts of classes, so I figured I'd take up my (potentially) newest pastime here.

    And on that note, I'll not ramble too much further. ;) Though out of curiosity, and because I've noticed a fair number of "out of staters", I was wondering both where this board happens to be run from, and where most of the member-base hails from. Are the majority of you European?
  2. Torana

    Torana Contributor Contributor

    Mar 13, 2007
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    G'day from Australia. I am the Mistress of the Macabre (other wise known as Torana) and I am in charge of fitting you for your straight jacket. We have only one colour range available at this present moment, my apologies, but it is pink with purple polka dots.

    I hope you enjoy your stay in this padded cell that you have just been placed within.

    Meals are at 10 and 6, we serve milk and cookies!

  3. Cogito

    Cogito Former Mod, Retired Supporter Contributor

    May 19, 2007
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    Massachusetts, USA
    Hello Nedjes, Welcome to the Writing Forums.

    The site itself is hosted in the central United States, but we have members distrubuted among nearly every time zone. The site is English language, but other than that, there is little to restrict the population distribution.

    Posting your own work should not be the very first thing you do here. It is really worthwhile to see what other people have done to improve their writing, and see if some of it applies to your writing as well. That is part of why we require members to review other members' work before posting their own for review. On the other hand, there are no restrictions, other than content and copyright rules, on showcasing your work in your member blog.

    If you haven't explored the site yet, you should probably do so soon. Newcomers often gravitate to the Lounge, the Word Games, or the Review Room, but there is much more to be discovered if you poke in the corners. Remember to check out our FAQ as well, and be sure to read through the forum rules, too, to avoid any misunderstandings or hurt feelings. Respect for one another is our principal mandate.

    As for the Review Room, new joiners often wonder why we do things a bit differently on this site than on other writing sites. We emphasize reviewing as a critical writing skill. Training your eye by reviewing other people's work helps you improve your own writing even before you present it for others to see. Therefore, we ask members to review other people's writing before posting work of their own. The Review Room forums on this site, therefore, are true workshops, not just a bulletin board for displaying your work (and on that note, please only post each item for review in one Review Room forum). See this post, Why Write Reviews Before Posting My Work? for more information.

    And while you're looking around, don't forget to check out our Weekly Short Story Contest and Weekly Poetry Contest. They actually run more than one week apiece, but any member may enter, and all members are urged to vote for their favorites.

    Enjoy your stay here, and have fun!
  4. Cheeno

    Cheeno Member

    Mar 5, 2008
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    Greetings from Ireland, about as cold and wet a place as you can get. Well, maybe you have an opinion on that?? Enjoy your journey here on the Forums.
  5. Anthony James Barnett

    Anthony James Barnett New Member

    Nov 8, 2007
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    Hi. Welcome aboard.

  6. Chibi

    Chibi New Member

    Dec 1, 2008
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    South Texas
    Hola there. I'm a newbie from south Texas, 'bout as humid and dry as you can get. =] Hope you enjoy your stay here. ^.^
  7. Nedjes

    Nedjes New Member

    Nov 11, 2008
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    It's currently pushing -30F for me, and winter isn't even in its real cold stage yet. Ireland better be pretty wet to catch up to those sorts of temperatures. =p

    Anyhow, thanks for the welcome. ^.^
  8. garmar69

    garmar69 Contributor Contributor

    Jul 25, 2008
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    Hi Nedjes, welcome to the forums.
  9. Kit

    Kit Contributor Contributor

    Apr 14, 2007
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    Hi there, welcome to the forums :) What kind of history do you major in?
  10. Nedjes

    Nedjes New Member

    Nov 11, 2008
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    As of now I am predominately grabbing at American history, though to be quite honest I find 90% of American history to be as boring as possible, with only sporadic oasis of actually intriguing moments to peak curiosity. German history is something I've found far easier to enjoy, and currently I've been doing quite a bit of reading into a dynasty of German industrialists with the name of Krupp.

    At this point my purpose at University is simply to acquire the necessary credentials before going into teaching in my state, as my state offers a rather nice program to pay for school if you are willing to be shipped into the boonies for them. :p After that, I'd like to continue going to school, if at all possible. Going to class a few hours a day is easier on my social life than working for 8. ;)

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