1. bluevesper

    bluevesper New Member

    Feb 27, 2021
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    Currently Reading::
    Sword and Pen by Rachel Caine

    *Insert title here*

    Discussion in 'New Member Introductions' started by bluevesper, Feb 27, 2021.

    Hiya everyone, I’m Blue and I’m excited to have found a writing community! I love to read and write, but as I grew older I feel like I lost the time and the type of driven passion I had when I was younger. As a kid, I had no worries about structure, grammar or if what I wrote was even good; I just wrote because I enjoyed doing it. Once I started being concerned with the quality of my work, it made me write less and I feel like I’ve hit a writing block that’s lasted for years because I haven’t been able to bring my projects to fruition. ‘Done is better than perfect’- I feel like I need to hammer this into my mind and work on creating my stories, get back to the fire I lost. That’s why I hope joining a community will help me with my journey.

    The previous communities I had been on were all very one-sided; you post a story and wait for the hits. The hits (likes or the equivalent) are the only way to know how well received your work is, and it turned into how to get the most attention for your work rather than caring about the content itself.

    Anyway, I love horror, romance and young adult fiction. I’ve always wanted to get into screenwriting but have been intimidated to do so because I’m not certain on how to begin. Other things I like doing include playing games (Overwatch and Minecraft), watching movies and binging cute cat videos. Nice to meet you all, I hope I get to be an active part of this community!
  2. Xoic

    Xoic Prognosticator of Arcana Ridiculosum Contributor Blogerator

    Dec 24, 2019
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    Way, way out there
    I've definitely been there!! Yeah, it's tricky to navigate through that part where you're not just having fun anymore without losing that spark and inspiration. I think the key is to move back and forth—write some stuff without worrying about structure etc, and also study and work on more structured stuff.
  3. SlayerC79

    SlayerC79 Banned

    Jun 27, 2019
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    My god. What an introduction!

    You certainly appear to be quite the wordsmith and even a logophile (A lover of words, not logos). Plus, you seem equipped with passion and innate drive.

    That's a good foundation.

    And you're absolutely right. The more you become obsessed about the quality of your writing, the more hesitant you'll become, till you eventually screech to a halt. The moment you decide to give yourself permission to fail is the moment when you'll free the shackles that you've bound yourself with.

    Welcome. :)

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