1. Shane the writer

    Shane the writer New Member

    Nov 30, 2021
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    Writing my own life story as "Science Fiction"

    Discussion in 'Setting Development' started by Shane the writer, Jun 9, 2024.

    I do not know why I have a hard time writing my own story. Been trying since I was in high school. I think I really had and still have painful experiences.
    I was scrolling online and saw this random drawing of a character on a horse with dragon wings. I do not know why it gave me excitement inside. Like I want this setting for my story. Need help and suggestion to build the setting. I felt excited first time in months.
  2. West Angel

    West Angel Member

    Apr 2, 2023
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    Without more information "Horse with Dragon wings" sounds more Fantasy than Science Fiction, granted there is overlap between the two genres and could have a horse that had some kind of genetic engineering that gave it Dragon wings. But without more context the Dragon wing sounds like fantasy.

    It matters because turning your life into a Fantasy (even an Urban Fantasy) is different than turning into Science Fiction. Do you want it closer to Star Trek or Lord of the Rings, The Matrix or Harry Potter, Avatar (James Cameron) or Avatar (Nickelodeon).

    Take a few minutes to learn about each genre (maybe more) and see what it was that excites you and build off of that. Or.... maybe you don't want to tell a science fiction or fantasy story, maybe you just want to tell your normal story but have a horse with dragon wings be there.
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2024
  3. Rath Darkblade

    Rath Darkblade Active Member

    Jan 13, 2024
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    I suspect that Shane means a Longma, a mythological creature from Chinese mythology. (I simply googled "horse with dragon wings", looked at the pictures, and picked the wikipedia article). :)

    Of course, the pictures originally reminded me of Pegasus, the fabled (and unique! There was only ever one Pegasus) from Greek mythology. The word "Pegasi" didn't arise until much, much later, I suspect.

    Anyway, Shane: I think West Angel is correct. We need more information. Pegasus and Longma are mythological creatures, so I suppose they could count as either fantasy creatures or religious symbols (if you don't believe in them), or as literal creatures (if you do). If your character truly believes in them, they could even become real -- in your story, of course, not in real life! :) But your character might be able to summon them, talk to them, etc. etc.

    But before we go that far, West Angel has a good question: is your story "science fiction" (Star Trek, Star Wars etc.) or Fantasy (Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter etc.)? It's more than just semantics. Here's why:

    Science Fiction is called "Science Fiction" because, in its most famous form (in the 1940s), sci-fi authors tried to predict the future of science, and where it could take us. Hence "Science" and "Fiction" blended together. :) Great authors from that age include Isaac Asimov, Robert Heinlein, Lester Del Rey, Arthur C. Clarke, Philip K. Dick, Poul Andersen, Margaret St Clair, and many more.

    That's not to say that Science Fiction didn't exist before the 1940s, of course! :) The original sci-fi novel is "Frankenstein", and that was written way back in the early 19th century. But the 1940s were when sci-fi became very popular.

    Fantasy on the other hand, is called "Fantasy" because it predominantly features settings that emulate Earth, but with a sense of "otherness". It is distinguished from Science Fiction (and Horror, by the way) by the absence of scientific or macabre themes, although these can occur in fantasy. It is characterised by magic, mythological creatures like trolls, dwarves and dragons, and a sense of wonder, excitement and adventure. J. R. R. Tolkien is seen as the "father of modern fantasy", but he isn't the first to write in this genre, not by a long shot. :)

    I'm sorry if all this is familiar to you, or if I'm lecturing. I'm just trying to understand what you're trying to create, that's all. :) Yes, West Angel mentioned "Urban Fantasy" (and there are many sub-genres that fall within "fantasy", and many within "sci-fi"). But before we go there, can you please clarify which one you mean?

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