1. zoupskim

    zoupskim Contributor Contributor

    Jan 11, 2015
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    The presence of Y'golonac

    Werewolves Vs Vampires! Ready? Go!

    Discussion in 'Word games' started by zoupskim, Jul 20, 2016.

    Zoupskar clawed at his chest and clothes, legs and paws bursting out of his jeans. Thankfully, his boxers remained intact. "I smell split tooth, pale heart bloodAUEGH!" The moon was full, the fog thick, the beast taking shape in the night. Before he lost his mind, before the hate filled his soul, he 'snapchatted' his mid transformation face. Ladies dug that tormented soul stuff.
    ManOrAstroMan and Seraph751 like this.
  2. I.A. By the Barn

    I.A. By the Barn A very lost time traveller Contributor

    Oct 26, 2015
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    Lizzy swooped into the bathroom to clean her teeth again after finishing another blood packet. That infernal noise was driving her mad, she would have no blood for the rest of the week at this rate.
    Cleaning her teeth, Lizzy made her way to the leaded window and opened it.
    "Will you lot shut it!" she called down to the teenagers below. "Its ruddy two o'clock in the morning!"
    "But miss," whined one, "its the full moon, we can't help it."
    "Well, I'm doing a very good job at resisting the urge to come down and drain you, so you can stop howling. You've all seen a full moon before, its nothing to get excited about." she said, mouthful of toothpaste.
    "But-" whimpered another lad.
    "Shut it I said, or do I have to call your mothers?"
    zoupskim, ManOrAstroMan and Seraph751 like this.
  3. zoupskim

    zoupskim Contributor Contributor

    Jan 11, 2015
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    The presence of Y'golonac
    Zoupskar's phone began to ring, and he roared in irritation. Trying not to scratch the screen with his massive paws, he answered. "Hey, mom."

    "I saw your facebook-snap." Augh, she was so old.

    "It's called a... What's the matter?"

    "Make sure you remember to pick up your sister from her scout meeting."

    "Okay, yah, gottit."

    "You got boxers on?"

    "Yes, mah! Geeze!"

    "Love you, puppy." He was trapped. He had to respond, lest she feel the need to eatablish parental dominance when he got home. It was beach season, and scars were ugly in the sun. He smelled the air, making sure no one was around.

    ManOrAstroMan likes this.
  4. Pindrop

    Pindrop Banned

    Jul 23, 2016
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    Another surge of werewolf-ism. "Roar" said Zoupskar, "roar" and "roar" again.

    "Roar" he emoted forcefully, "Raaaarrr". He cleared his throat; in the absence of dexterous lips, speaking was difficult, but he attempted to formulate a question... "ROAR!" he said.
    ManOrAstroMan and zoupskim like this.
  5. Erik-the-Enchanter!

    Erik-the-Enchanter! Banned Contributor

    Aug 18, 2012
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    LA, California
    Currently Reading::
    Love Poems
    Thalia Blackburn walked down a dark alley, her head held high like she was the queen of everything she surveyed. Her thick ebony hair was made into a thick braid that was piled on top of her head and held in place with bright silver pins. She wore a black velvet dress that fit snug against her lithe body and trailed to the ground, dragging behind her. A thigh-high slit on the side showed miles of porcelain skin, her long, toned leg jutting out with each step. Her feet were clad in tall stiletto heels with thin silver blades for heels.

    "Come here, doggy doggy doggy," Thalia sang with the voice of an angel, her glistening blood-red lips stretching into a sinister grin. Long white fangs grew down over her plump bottom lip, dangerously sharp. Her large black eyes flicked back and forth, searching for her prey. "Doggy doggy doggy," she repeated, the sound of her heels stabbing the cobblestones echoing loudly.
    zoupskim and ManOrAstroMan like this.
  6. ManOrAstroMan

    ManOrAstroMan Magical Space Detective Contributor

    May 8, 2012
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    Bradley checked his reflection one last time. Hair perfectly coiffed and moussed, skin freshly waxed and tanned, shirt crisp, and jeans so skinny an onlooker could guess his religion. He needed this night out. He'd been so busy studying for finals, he didn't even know what day it was.
    He strode out the door, ready to prowl through the clubs. Something nagged at him, though. He felt something....
    Then he looked up and saw the moon, huge and bright.
    "Damn," he grumbled as his body began to shudder.
    zoupskim likes this.

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