1. Kata_Misashi

    Kata_Misashi Active Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    A city for the birds.

    Discussion in 'Setting Development' started by Kata_Misashi, Sep 2, 2015.

    So I need some advice in building one of my characters hometown. I'm having trouble cause you see my character is not human... he's a humanoid bird (beak, talon feet, feathers, etc). Being more hawk-like I did some reach search and I see that hawks love to make their nests high on cliffs and canyons but it still needs to be 'city-like'... any thoughts?
    (Its a odd question, I know. I'm just... at a lost ^^;)
  2. wellthatsnice

    wellthatsnice Active Member

    Apr 1, 2015
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    not an odd question at all, a cliff city for a race of bird like people is actually pretty common in fiction writing. Also, humans have a long history of building cliff cities of our own. I would look up the "Myra rock tombs" and "Caunos City" in turkey. Racamadour in France, Ronda in Spain, and Al Hajara in Yemen.

    If you are looking for something a bit more modern, Oia on Santorini may work.

    Hope this all helps.
  3. Kata_Misashi

    Kata_Misashi Active Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    "Oia on Santorini" OMG! Th-That's perfect!
    Thank you! *w* Will obviously do modifications based on the story by the design is spot on.

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