Public Transport

By Eoz Eanj · Feb 25, 2010 · ·
  1. Just something I wrote on the train back home today. I'm currently taking poetry at uni- it seems to have pushed me to write more.

    Polyester high-beams, taste,
    something of fire-retardant,
    and feel as if dried-mucus,
    crackled like a jaundiced boil.
    Voices, jittering, political complaints,
    superficial critique of the economy-
    Monotonous, monotone, like a phone call.
    If only they were more like a mirror,
    shattered and twinkling brightly-
    that would capture my attention.
    Earphones nestled, close to eardrums,
    fingertips rolling, over and over,
    but I can still hear, the booming,
    of disenchanted single-mothers
    and the mutterings of the medicated.
    It seems, they only speak to themselves,
    their lips fumbling over syllables,
    hands opened with stressed-contractions-
    I know, I know, what you're saying is important,
    but I, do not want to listen.


  1. Mercurial
    I love the last line. Perfect.
    It would have taken me weeks to come up with a poem like this.
    You are a beautiful writer, a beautiful person, and I envy you. :love:
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