What were you most scared of as a kid?

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by KaTrian, Feb 13, 2015.

  1. Masked Mole

    Masked Mole Senior Member

    Apr 24, 2015
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    Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde grabbed hold of my imagination and didn't let go for some time. The idea that a normal, decent human being could turn into a murderous creature (and because of a real thing like chemistry) at night terrified me.
  2. SlayGuy138

    SlayGuy138 Member

    Jun 7, 2015
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    A nuclear winter wasteland of misanthropy
    Stupid, pathetic things that most people aren't afraid of.

    For a time I was absolutely paranoid that every YouTube link I clicked would have the song "Bodies" by Drowning Pool on it, and had to click mute before the video loaded.

    And more recently, I was hit by a car. I've recovered fully now but when I was in the hospital I kept saying "don't put a catheter in me!" and "I'd rather be put in diapers than have a catheter shoved into me peehole!" Granted I was a little disoriented then.
  3. Duchess-Yukine-Suoh

    Duchess-Yukine-Suoh Girl #21 Contributor

    Aug 29, 2013
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    Music Room #3
    For a while I was very scared of werewolves and vampires. I got over the fear of werewolves after I made a friend who drew cute pictures of werewolves (where they were just people who turned into regular wolves). I remember not wanting to share a bed with my cousin because I was convinced she was a vampire...? (What was I thinking?) I would also cover my neck with something while I slept.

    I'm still scared of zombies though. I can handle a lot of blood and gore, and fictional violence doesn't really bother me, but even cartoon zombies creep me out, and I can't stand mentions of zombies.
  4. kfmiller

    kfmiller Active Member

    Jan 8, 2015
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    Cincinnati, OH
    I used to have a recurring nightmare about the Siamese cats in Lady and the Tramp.

    I was also terrified of great-white sharks after watching Jaws with my dad when I was 10.

    Luckily I've outgrown both of those :D
  5. Ussaid

    Ussaid Member

    May 22, 2013
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    Talking and interacting with people. I was a complete introverted weirdo, although I had friends. It almost seems strange thinking I used to be like that after my public speaker profile.
  6. Simpson17866

    Simpson17866 Contributor Contributor

    Aug 23, 2013
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    Originally, my worst fear was bees. I have since been stung by bees, and now I am more afraid of dogs. I should get mauled by a dog next :)
  7. Annihilation

    Annihilation Active Member

    Oct 23, 2014
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    Phoenix, Arizona
    I have a Phobia of vomit too.. And vomiting and anything else with bodily fluids.

    Did any past experience cause your phobia lol?
  8. Lemex

    Lemex That's Lord Lemex to you. Contributor

    Oct 2, 2007
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    Northeast England
    No idea, honestly. It's weird.
  9. Rhys

    Rhys Member

    May 27, 2015
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    Wales, UK
    Only one major phobia since childhood which I still struggle with and that's spiders (well technically, I was also scared of drowning, but I have only been in a pool/ocean/whatever a handful of times in my life, I really don't like the outdoors and hate the beach).

    I don't even like to look at pictures of spiders. If a spider was in the bedroom and it escaped from sight, I'd literally move into a different room for the night and be extremely paranoid until it was found again and killed.

    I'm not one of those who pick it up and put it outside. Screw that. If you are a spider and you come in my home, you're not escaping with your life. And I won't just hit you once. I'll slam you ten times with my slipper until your nothing but a black smudge just to make sure you are dead.

    I'm just glad I live in a country where I'm virtually guaranteed to never see a tarantula. I don't know what I'd do if I was in Australia for example and found one under my toilet seat. Probably burn the house down.
  10. No-Name Slob

    No-Name Slob Member Supporter Contributor

    Jun 3, 2015
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    Dallas, Texas
    I had horrible nightmares as a child, vivid dreams that would terrify adults. I still remember most of them. I wasn't scared of the dark, but I didn't like sleeping alone because I knew I'd have nightmares. When I was 4 I asked my mom for a flashlight for my birthday so that I could see my way into her room when I had bad dreams.

    The weirdest dream I remember having involved my mom getting cancer (I didn't even really know what cancer was as I think I was only about 3 or 4, I just knew she was really sick and dying, and the nurses said 'cancer') and she was sent to a special hospital, according to what nurses told my brothers and me.

    We didn't believe them, so my brothers and I went on this quest through a dark, winding forest to find her. Along the way, one of my brothers drowned in quick sand, and my oldest brother and I desperately tried to save him to no avail. He sunk right before our eyes.

    When we got to the "hospital" our mother was being held at, it turned out to be a cult and they were all wearing white and had my mother in a huge black cauldron, sacrificing her to the Gods.

    What's really weird about this dream is ... fast forward 20 years ... my mother was fighting breast cancer at the same time that the very brother who drowned in quicksand in my dream was in the throes of heroin addiction like none I'd ever seen before. My oldest brother and I tried so hard to get him help, and we weren't able to.

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