1. So this first entry is going to be a little warm-up. everyone always wantd to rush into things right? I've learned my lesson the hard way with that. so focused on the end-game then the actual journey itself. life is about getting to know things. I know as a child for me I had the feeling of constantly being rushed. everything needed to get done on someone elses time. racing against a clock that never stops. We live in a world that never stops. We never have the same moment Twice. even if its similar our minds change s much every second. I feel like thats where a lot of people get scared; We have these constant thoughts running through our head yet we are made to feel as if we're crazy. Yet look at everything going on around us. We have to expect the unexpected; yet when the unexpected happens we refuse to believe it. we live blindly in a society that wants to constantly tell us that we are wrong. You aren't wrong for feeling the way you feel. and the more you're made to feel that way because people choose to look over their feelings. and I'm not talking about just emotions. but how certain situations make us feel. At times we are made to look over our feelings. it starts as a child. the main emotion anyone wants to feel is Happy. like if you aren't happy 24\7 you're just a bad person. If i can say anything right now, it's feel how you feel. Don't join the crowd; because I hate to say it but they don't care. as long as you aren't doing better than them. people feed off the suffering. Other people don't have to lose in order for you to win. You may not get every win but. you do get the learning experiance and even so. being stuck on the same thing for your whole life will eventually make you feel miserable and useless. You'll ask yourself. Is this all I resort to? Something I've learned anything you learn can usually transfer over to something new.. you aren't starting completely over. Just in a new direction. So join me in a new direction!

    About Author

    About me? the hardest question to answer it seems like. I have to say thats one question Ive never really been good at. You want my favorite color? What I do? well stayed tuned and you may find the answers to sme of that in the time ahead.. Because whether or not people want to believe it; Good things take time.


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