Films that are Underrated

  1. Battle Royale - a review ... with a twist!

    [In order to make these reviews a little more interesting I’ve decided to review the 2000 film Battle Royale in the style of 18th century poets and use Heroic Couplets.] 'WHAT dire Offence from am'rous Causes springs, What mighty Contests rise from trivial Things,' Alexander Pope - The Rape of the Lock BATTLE ROYALE is a film that’s real bad But somewhere inside it makes me so glad. What is it about this film that’s shitty? MUSE! Aid me in explaining this myst’ry! The story is...
  2. Downfall – a movie review

    Downfall – a movie review Berlin, 1945. The Russian Red Army are closing in on the tired, war-weary city, while the Fuhrer Adolf Hitler raves in an underground bunker and slips into madness and depression. This is the setting of the 2004 German film Downfall (or Der Untergang) and the film tries very hard to have a realistic and vaguely sympathetic depiction of the end of the Second World War in Europe, the Battle for Berlin, and Adolf Hitler’s state of mind. A cynical person might...
  3. Goodbye Lenin! – A review

    Goodbye Lenin! – A review If Downfall shows a sophistication in German cinema, then the film Goodbye Lenin! proves that Germany has a fantastic film industry that is largely and criminally ignored. Goodbye Lenin! (2003) is a very good film, and it is shows another side of Germany that is often overlooked in that the film is also genuinely funny. Goodbye Lenin! tells the story of Germany’s reconciliation, and the morphing between Capitalist west and Communist East, and the personal...
  4. Jacob's Ladder - a review (unbiased hopefully)

    Jacob’s Ladder is underrated. I know that some people might have heard of it, and I can already hear the ‘but it’s inspired so much’es but bear with me. After my last two reviews about films made in and about Germany, and one joke review about Battle Royale, I wanted to do a review about something different – something that does not involve my love of the bottom quarter of the screen – and so I shall review an American horror film from the early 90s, a film that is rather close to my heart....
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