platform building

  1. 2020 a year of hiatus

    I've talked a lot in my blog posts about focus, habits, and struggling with getting words on the page. That didn't change in my absence from the forum. 2020 should have been THE year to get things done with so many of us stuck at home due to COVID. For me, that hasn't been the case. I started the year with a bang at least getting one short project done. I also wrote many blog posts related to work on a semi-decent schedule. But, I didn't get my project done... you know the one we all...
  2. New Year, new you

    January brings with it a rush of promises made to ourselves and on behalf of those in our lives. For many of us, this is the year we're going to 'get our selves together", make that difficult change to live healthier, or do that thing we've been putting off. For me, the start of 2020 has been a time of deep reflection and introspection. Y'all, I'm not gonna front. 2019 didn't just kick my ass. It beat me like a red-headed stepchild that got caught with her hand in a cookie jar. I've talked...
  3. Touching base

    Hello, my fellow weirdos! I know, it's been a while. I wanted to take a moment to update this blog, and well, I missed all of you. I've been working on WIP's and social media for other people. Your right, excuses are like... well you know what. Anyway, today's blog is about keeping in touch with your reader. *Ahem* Something I need to work on. Why's it important? Is it all that important? Does your reader base care if you do it? The answer to all of those questions is a resounding yes....
  4. Touching base

    Hello, my fellow weirdos! I know, it's been a while. I wanted to take a moment to update this blog, and well, I missed all of you. I've been working on WIP's and social media for other people. Your right, excuses are like... well you know what. Anyway, today's blog is about keeping in touch with your reader. *Ahem* Something I need to work on. Why's it important? Is it all that important? Does your reader base care if you do it? The answer to all of those questions is a resounding yes....
  5. Know your worth

    Hello minions! Did you miss me? No?!? Well, I missed all of you! Today's blog is something that hits close to home for me and on more than just one front. I bet you're wondering what the lovely stack of green stuff that most of us don't have has to do with knowing your worth right? Or better yet, why I felt the need to post the pic right? Self-worth and self-confidence are problems I've struggled with badly over the years. How does this matter or relate to writing Corbyn, and why do I...
  6. Query Letter Revisited

    *Takes a huge breath before plowing ahead.* It's no secret how much I hate the query letter by now. To say it's been the thorn in my side for the last three days, would be a vast understatement. By the end of yesterday, the score was query letter (6,000) Corbyn (0). To that end, I owe @BayView and @Tenderiser a huge debt. They helped put the dreaded query letter in perspective. I'm immensely grateful, if not for the help of both of you I'd still be floundering around with the initial draft,...
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