
  1. Questions that Keep Giving No. 1

    There is no such thing as a stupid question, but some questions are post-Thanksgiving-prandial stuffed with implication. I swear the most telling sentences end with a question mark. How do you write neurotypical characters? Saw this on the Red-it. I don't have an account, though, so I'll have to circle-herk about it here instead. The expedient answer is standard fare: write characters until they're something like the ones in all the books you've read. You at least have almost infinite...
  2. What's a Folder?

    There are complaints from college teachers that young students either don't use or can't even grasp the concept of file directories. I didn't believe this at first, given that the terms file and folder are sort of there to help understand the slightly abstract notion of directories, and that operating systems are mostly visual (GUI) anyway. [URL]https://www.theverge.com/22684730/students-file-folder-directory-structure-education-gen-z[/URL]...
  3. Proportional Investment

    Or: just why exactly Thanksgiving is unbearable, and how it's your fault as much as it is Aunt Jones's. The too long, didn't read version of this is that critical evaluation needs to scale with emotional investment or you're just another dunce. Onward to the weeds... You know about weaving then attacking straw men. It's disingenuous at best, lazy at worst. The term is also now shorthand for 'I don't like your argument,' unfortunately, which is a shame but that's how language goes with...
  4. The Infuriating Case of Daniel Jones. (Language)

    This is a rant, and also includes swearing that may or may not be blocked out by the site AI but either way I'm typing it. Okay, college has been over now for at least two weeks, and my stress levels have not gone down, at all. I have no homework, no responsibilities more important than locking the door and washing the dishes (not precisely in that order) THREE WHOLE MONTHS of solid free time and yet I'm still the same old mixture of infuriated and apathetic. And why, you ask?...
  5. Science? Science!

    (I'll point out that this is just a harmless rant. Just because I WAS BORED! :D) The speed of light it roughly 300 million metres per second (299,792,458 m/s if Wikipedia is to be believed.) and, unless it is travelling through a translucent material, this remains constant. This means I could circumnavigate the globe over 216 times before I'd finish writing this sentence. Now the question you must ask yourselves is this: How BORED must I have been, to sit here and work that out?...
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