Real Life

  1. Requiescat in Pace...

    i just got news today that a good friend of mine died in a car accident. apparently he tried to swerve to avoid hitting a dog on the road:(. when i heard the news i went into denial. unable to believe it i got angry, telling him not to **:mad:* with me and metaphorically shot the messenger but then it finally hit me that a guy is was just recently who was healthy, who was helping me write my fanfic for something we both loved and all could just disappear like that. it made me think about...
  2. Pioneering a Magazine

    Me and a few friends at my varsity have decided to start our very own magazine/newspaper thing here since it is currently missing from this place which for it's excessively long name and purpose (Limkokwing University of Creative Technology:confused:) doesn't have any kind of campus paper or newsletter. I found this to be quite disturbing and decided we should found one. The whole team seems o be very enthusiastic about this and it's always something i've wanted to do so it's kinda like a...
  3. Jealousy rears it ugly head

    firstly i am by no means perfect. i am just a normal human being like everyone else. just had to say that:redface: anyway so today was supposed to be the day that i asked the girl that i liked out to lunch and as these things always have a habit of biting me in the ass it did just that. i was there ready and poised, the conversation was good and everything was perfect...until he came.:mad: he calls himself Delicious, dont know where that came from but anyway, this guy arrives on the...
  4. My Little Big Accident

    Recently me and my friends were struck with a an irony that almost killed us. We decided on one fateful day to go out to our regular bar and see if we could stay sober since everytime we go there things always get out of hand and we end up having to call someone to drive us home:D. It was a noble idea and i was all for it. So we went out and had a great time even without drinking and one of my friends actually worked up the courage to talk to his crush. So at about 3am we decide to go...
  5. Home? What Home?

    argh! today has been one of the worst days ever:(. I just got...what's the word for when you get kicked...evicted!!! thats it. apparently while i was away at the hospital the landlord gave the apartment to someone else:mad:. Luck hasn't been on my side lately. Just when i was getting over my whole injury this happens.argh!!!things can get so out of control sometimes. Im staying at a friends place for now but i dont know when i'll get another place...:(huh life can be depressing sometimes...
  6. R.I.P. Tino

    okay firstly my real name is tino and he is dead, metaphorically. anyway this past few weeks i have felt my personality change alot. i used to be this reserved guy who enjoyed life and just went about his business but now i cant see anything positive about this world. think of me as an wodden scaffold that has been weakened by the rain of lies and the rot of distrust. people keep piling up on top of me until about a week ago i snapped...and went nuclear. all of a sudden ive become this...
  7. Next Project: The Long Road Begins Again

    Well im fresh out of Nano and still itching to write so ive decided that my next project will basically be a fanfic novelization of the manga series Elfen Lied by Lynn(Rin) Okamoto. Like any new project this one requires extensive research which includes re-reading the entire 12 volume series several times. This will hopefully keep my creative juices flowing and also gives me some time away from my Nano project which i plan to edit in late january. I'm just using this blog to keep track of...
  8. Reality punched me in the face, real real hard!!!!

    i was recently reminded by an unforeseen traumatic event that some day we all must die. it's a sad thing to think you know that someday you'll think your last thoughts and breathe your last breathe, knowing that even as you are reading this blog post you will get closer and closer to that day. a friend of mine was diagnosed with Mesothelioma, a rare form of cancer that results from excessive exposure to asbestos. In this disease, malignant cells develop in the mesothelium, a...
  9. What a Year!

    As 2022 comes to an end, most of us are reflecting back on the year and others mine as well be in 2023. getting those resolutions ready to be forgotten about by the second week of January if they're lucky to make it that long. I've tried that I don't know how many times and I never felt like I was actually changing. well until this year. The beginning of the year had all the magic; I thought 2022 was gonna be the year where everything just magically turned perfectly. Between trying to be a...
  10. Temporary Blindness -True Tales

    SoberDate 8041 A couple nights ago a series of thunderstorms rolled thru our area at nighttime. Around 11pm I got up for a late night snack from the fridge (a cheese stick) when the power went out. I ate my cheese and went back to bed. Around midnight, my wife awoke to use the bathroom and the 1st thing she noticed was it was pitch black, no light from the clock, no nightlight from the bathroom, no light outside from the streetlight. Nothing, just total inky blackness. Now mind you,...
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