Social Commentary

  1. Logan Analysis

    Scuffed shoes in closeup tell almost the whole story—things are very much 'run down at the heels' for Logan these days, Plus the way he holds his feet and walks, more a pained shuffle than the spirited gait we expect from his earlier appearances. This is not the Logan we’re used to. His hair is all messed up, and he seems to be drunk or half asleep. Plus right here at the very beginning we see one claw won't come out all the way. Going into a fight and he can't get it all the way up. It's...
  2. The Nature of Human Nature

    Since a profound Humanity turned out to be the connecting factor in all of my favorite superhero stories, it only makes sense to move to the next question—what exactly is it that makes us human? It just so happens this morning YouTube dropped both of these videos into my feed:
  3. Writing From Life Experience

    Often when people hear you should write from your own life experience, they think of it on a very surface level—like if you played a lot of football you should write about football. In one sense this is what it means, or rather it's one aspect of it, but there's a much deeper, broader, and more universal aspect that this understanding misses. This is the aspect I want to write about—not the external things you've done (play some sport, live in a particular region or neighborhood, work on a...
  4. Terrorism

    As far as I know, it was a Danish individual with dual citizenship who burned the Quran here in Sweden, him and an asylum seeker from Iraq. No actual Swede burned any Quran in a way that garnered so much attention, as far as I am aware. There are also conspiracy theories amongst extremists that the Swedish social agencies are stealing Muslim children. And here we are, with extremists chanting death against Sweden and dealing it because of a Dane and an Iraqi. If it wasn't serious I would...
  5. Amen, Sir.

    Coda from Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury About two years ago, a letter arrived from a solemn young Vassar lady telling me how much she enjoyed reading my experiment in space mythology, The Martian Chronicles. But, she added, wouldn't it be a good idea, this late in time, to rewrite the book inserting more women's characters and roles? A few years before that I got a certain amount of mail concerning the same Martian book complaining that the blacks in the book were Uncle Toms and why...
  6. What a Year!

    As 2022 comes to an end, most of us are reflecting back on the year and others mine as well be in 2023. getting those resolutions ready to be forgotten about by the second week of January if they're lucky to make it that long. I've tried that I don't know how many times and I never felt like I was actually changing. well until this year. The beginning of the year had all the magic; I thought 2022 was gonna be the year where everything just magically turned perfectly. Between trying to be a...
  7. Wild Woman – A message to women

    Wild Woman – A message to women You know her. She lives inside of you. She is your instinct and intuition. She is the experiences and lessons of your ancestors encoded in your DNA. If you trust her, and let her live, you can be your authentic self. Hell with dogma. If you let her come to the surface, you will realize all your original gifts. Folklore is rich in the psychology of women. For this reason, I encourage you to get a copy of and read Women Who Run With the Wolves, by Clarissa...
  8. Alone...

    I find it so funny that in a world with what 8 billion people give or take the ones we don't know about.. That people are getting to the point where we feel we are better off alone. Because it's peaceful.. Now I will just say I like my alone time just as much as the next person. I like to feel at peace and not having to worry about walking on eggshells or being afraid of what might come out of my mouth that might possibly offend someone. For the whole 26 years I have been on this planet...
  9. A Slow Start

    So this first entry is going to be a little warm-up. everyone always wantd to rush into things right? I've learned my lesson the hard way with that. so focused on the end-game then the actual journey itself. life is about getting to know things. I know as a child for me I had the feeling of constantly being rushed. everything needed to get done on someone elses time. racing against a clock that never stops. We live in a world that never stops. We never have the same moment Twice. even if its...
  10. Vernacular Manslaughter

    I was listening to the Joe Rogan Experience the other day. Yes, I’m that mainstream. For those uninitiated, you have to scroll down through this long list of comedians you don’t care about, past hunters you don't care about, past motivational people selling something, and—oh, there’s Gad Saad. This will be good. I was listening, washing dishes, having a great time… until he just had to go and say something that ruined the whole show for me. Context: his book was quite successful. He also...
  11. Homeless Lite

    Back in the ol' hometown and I decided that rather than staying in and paying for a hotel -- and rather than accepting invites to crash at friend's houses or sleeping on mom's couch -- I'd take my tent and sleeping bag and camp in a city park. It's a nice tent and a nice park, though my little tent is dwarfed by rows of RVs. But the night was quiet and calm, no rain and no noise. But it's hard to make the compromise between hotel and home. The tent's too small to do anything other than...
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