The Tale of Alaska Malone

  1. A Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions )disclaimer: fictional fictional(

    When, in the course of a relationship, it becomes necessary for one partner to dissolve all personal bonds which have connected it with another and to assume among thyself the strength and independence which the heart and soul demand it utilizes, a decent acknowledgement of who she is demands that she should declare the causes which impel her to separation. I hold these truths to be self-evident, that I have lived without you, that I possess the intelligence and skill to continue to live...
  2. Alaska's Song...maybe

    I went from your favorite doll to your cast away Oh ba- baby are you afraid to play the way that you did be-fore? Why, is it because I'm not so fragile anymore You kicked me out of the toybox and I grew me some bullocks and won't be kicked around like before Are you terrified of the woman that you see please say you're not surprised 'cause she's been inside all this time Don't let her scare you away come on back to me, let's play but you're so afraid you kicked me...
  3. Holy Cow...

    I just realized that I'm writing a novel! I don't know who has been reading the blogs I've been posting, but I was posting as I wrote them up on MSword, but stopped when I reached the blog entry "Page 12." I'm on MSword Page 39 and, according to it's built in word couner, I've reached 18,545 words. I know, I know, that's a novela, untill you consider that I just wrote the main climax and have yet to even begin its resolution yet alone the next climax of the story. I didn't...
  4. Page 1

    Mar-Mar, sorry-Maureen-, strolled up to me as I was leaving my boxing session with Coach. She had a huge grin plastered on her face and an equally huge book in her hand. “Hey!” She said as she wrapped her arms around me, “I have a surprise for you!” Mar-Mar pulled back and looked at me, “But first, cancel all your plans for today.” I wanted to know what was in the book, “Why?” “Which letter in ‘surprise’ doesn’t compute?” She placed the book in her purse and replaced it with a...
  5. Page 5

    SORRY, BUT IT HAD TO GO:redface:
  6. Page 6

    SORRY, BUT IT HAD TO GO:redface:
  7. Page 8

    The question is pushed aside by the urgent need to dispel a few things. I forget everything in my rush to the bathroom. Caesar took a little long to return, didn’t he. I flush it away and remember the cart that’s still in the room. I return to my little corner of insanity and grab a random platter and the note, curling up in the blanket. As I eat slowly from the platter while staring at the note, my mind pulls the whole “Daisy game,” zooming back and forth between the good and the bad. He...
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