Writing Tutorials

  1. Photo Of The Day: 7, 17, 13

    Guess who's back? Sorry for not posting in a while. I have got to find so more places to take pictures, and my area is very bland. But, I will try to crank more stuff out. Also Inspirational Words Of Few will return. [URL]https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/1072639_268838609925745_483368768_o.jpg[/URL]
  2. Photo Of The Day: 6, 19, 13

  3. Kate's World

    Hey guys there is another blog by Captain Kate, if you go to her website you'll find really good pictures and thoughts....REALLY GOOD PICTURES! You should visit. [URL]http://taliasworld.wordpress.com[/URL]
  4. Inspirational Words Of Few: 6, 13, 13

    So yesterday a classmate of mine grabbed a Sharpie and intended to write all over the school with it. So, I constantly tell her to give it to me, and get her in trouble and I am looked at as the bad guy. I even get called names for it and every time they tried to insult me I said: I am the embodiment of JUSTICE Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable... Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate...
  5. Photo Of The Day: 6, 10, 13

  6. Photo Of The Day: 6, 5, 13

    [URL]https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn2/965089_251789691630637_1017207625_o.jpg[/URL] Bunny! He was in my front yard! :D
  7. Inspirational Words Of Few: 5, 28, 13

    The experiences like the ones we've had with games like Super Mario All Stars will be the kind we take with us all our lives. While some of our parents and peers may dismiss such thoughts and feelings as petty and childlike, you still have to listen to your true inter-voice that guides you. You only know what you feel, and I for one feel these video games have defined me. They've revealed to me, that you don't have to think inside the box if you don't want to. In the realms of your hopes and...
  8. Photo Of The Day: 5, 28, 13

    [URL]https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/920128_244112249065048_1341070942_o.jpg[/URL] Wolf and Dragon Dance Party!
  9. Photo Of The Day: 5, 26, 13

    The picture that represents the new book that I am starting. [URL]http://share.pho.to/2MMpj/original[/URL]
  10. Losing Yourself

    Does anyone else feel like they are loosing themselves lately? I don't know what it is, I think school has stopped me from doing a lot of what I like, and it is making me loose my personality. Maybe I am just over thinking and over exaggerating it. Just felt like I should get this off my chest.
  11. Photo Of The Day: 5, 25, 13

  12. Photo Of The Day: 5, 21, 13

  13. Photo Of The Day: 5, 18, 13

    Shout out to Kingtype and Ominous Minds [URL]https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc1/920021_244112532398353_859395188_o.jpg[/URL]
  14. Photo Of The Day: 5, 16, 13

  15. Inspirational Words Of Few: 5, 15, 13

    So, I found money all across my street today, but I trace it back to my neighbor's driveway. I got to his door and knock for like three minutes. He didn't answer. Maybe five minutes later, I see him standing outside of his house and I hand him the money. So the word of the day is integrity. If you don't have integrity, you have nothing. You can't buy it. You can have all the money in the world, but if you are not a moral and ethical person, you really have nothing. - Henry Kravis...
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