
  1. Dead trees!

    I used Draft2Digital to expand the publication of my novel, and that included a print version. The process was simple, and while the interior layout isn't perfect (there are a few random page breaks that I don't know where they came from), the general result is excellent. I'm excited about it. It's strange to hold a book in my hand that has my name on it (see the Gallery tab on this post).
  2. Fantasy 101; Characters

    Characters are the bane of my existence. Are they too dry? Too monotonous? I can never tell. So, of course, I chose fantasy as my genre of choice. The genre that requires the most complex characters. After all, I am the dumbest person you will ever meet. Take my newest novel, for instance. The two main characters are supposed to be insanely different, with similarities that aren't really notable. And yet, I can't tell if that point is actually getting made, or if I make the similarities too...
  3. I need help deciding on a place for a pack of werwolves

    I need help deciding on where and what area or town on the west coast could be preferably close to what I need for the pack land in the werewolf book I am writing . Any help is very appreciated and accepted . so here it is what is needed exactly : 1). west coast town 2). a small town at least 30 mins from any small city were they would have the necessities like a mall or fancy restaurants and of course humans would be here but not in the werewolf town 3). in this small town I'd like to...
  4. Distractions

    [Copied and pasted from my external blog. Please do take a look. I'm trying to update regularly, every few days or so] The amount of writing I’ve been able to do lately has been distressingly negligible. I think it shows from the fact that it’s been over a week since I’ve updated this blog. It all comes down to distraction really. This time of year is always busy academically, but in the final year of a law degree it reaches the point of truly mental, I’ve discovered. I don’t make...
  5. Flash! AAH-aah!

    [Copied and pasted from my external blog. Please do take a look. I'm trying to update regularly, every few days or so] This is a follow-up to my previous post on the subject, "The Art of Flashing". It’s not going to be a long piece, but I wanted to write it for several reasons. 1) The awesome title occurred to me only several days after the original flash fiction entry. 2) I do really like flash fiction. 3) I was contacted by Alan Presley, who asked me to pimp the Micro Award. Which...
  6. The (Tory)pion and the Fox [Political Flash Fiction]

    [Copied and pasted from my external blog. Please do take a look. I'm trying to update regularly, every few days or so] The Tory(pion) and the Fox By Matthew S. Dent There is an ancient fable, told as a warning against excessive foolishness or trust. It tells that there was once a Liberal Democrat fox, called Nick, who lived on the opposition bank, of the river Parliament. One day he heard someone calling his name. Turning around, he saw a gathering of Tory scorpions. ‘Nick,’ they said....
  7. The Art of Flashing

    [Copied and pasted from my external blog. Please do take a look. I'm trying to update regularly, every few days or so] Flash fiction, that is. Get your mind out of the gutter. I’ve been writing a lot of flash fiction lately, for some reason. I’ve written three stories, in the last few days. I think it all started with the Campaign for Real Fear, for which my entry (Extra-Curricular) was regrettably not selected. But there was something fun about it. Trying to get a complete story in...
  8. Werewolf Competition Reminder

    [Copied and pasted from my external blog. Please do take a look. I'm trying to update regularly, every few days or so] Just a reminder that there is still a little over a day if you want to enter my werewolf anthology. To celebrate the release of the “Silver Moon, Bloody Bullets” anthology from Pill Hill Press, which includes my story “The Mystery of St. Mary’s Morgue”, I’m offering one lucky person the chance to win a copy. So be imaginative, and impress me! All you have to do, to...
  9. Werewolf Anthology Competition

    [Copied and pasted from my external blog. Please do take a look. I'm trying to update regularly, every few days or so] The anthology of werewolf stories “Silver Moon, Bloody Bullets” is now finally available from amazon.co.uk (after having been available on its US counterpart for some time already; due to the bureaucracy of online retailing)! It contains twenty-five short stories, all of which are werewolf-themed, and guaranteed to show you all the facets of the man-wolf legend you...
  10. Vuvuzelas

    [Copied and pasted from my external blog. Please do take a look. I'm trying to update regularly, every few days or so] Okay, so I promised this would be posted last night (Monday), but clearly it wasn't . The reason for that is an attack of either perfectionism, or crap writing (depending on your viewpoint). Basically, I got the damn thing finished in time, but was particularly unhappy with it, something which most writers will be familiar with. After banging my head against the damn...
  11. The Joys of Paper

    [Copied and pasted from my external blog. Please do take a look. I'm trying to update regularly, every few days or so] I sent off a submission today. It was somewhat unusual, in that I had to print out the manuscript, and the cover letter, in physical paper form. And as I stood in the ridiculously long line at the post office, it occurred to me that even though it’s a rarity that I submit in this fashion (the only markets I submit to by post any more, are the stalwarts of British genre...
  12. Meet the Publisher

    [Copied and pasted from my external blog. Please do take a look. I'm trying to update regularly, every few days or so] I am pleased to announce that at 18:00 Mountain Time Monday 7th June (unfortunately 01:00 BST, Tuesday 8th June), Page Readers will be conducting a live interview with Jessica A. Weiss, the editor of Pill Hill Press' Silver Moon, Bloody Bullets anthology, in which my story "The Mystery of St. Mary's Morgue" will be appearing. I believe a number of my fellow contributors...
  13. Can I get some Science with my Fiction?

    [Copied and pasted from my external blog. Please do take a look. I'm trying to update regularly, every few days or so] This sort of follows on from my “In Defence of Genre” post, so you might like to take a look at that first. But anyway, I’ve been thinking about what precisely science-fiction is. It covers a great deal of subgenres, some of which I’ve written in. But the fundamental idea behind it is in the name, I think. Science-fiction. Equal measures of each. Fiction about science....
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