Food or Seasoning?

By mugen shiyo · Nov 7, 2011 · ·
  1. Today, I'm over my grandmothers house and I had bought some Stove Top stuffing. I cooked it and she came in she asked where was it, having smelled it. It was sitting right in front of her. I pointed to it and she said, "That doesn't look like stuffing." Stopped and looked and she was right. It was very dark. A dark brown as if it had been burnt, but I had made it in a saucepan. Basically boiled water and heat. It also looked very dry. I got some more water and poured some in and tasted it. Really tasted it while thinking about it and I compared it to what I remembered of my parents and grandparents home-made stuffing. It was awful. The seasonings where right. They were delicious. It was the bread, if bread it was, that was disgusting.

    Since then, I've been wondering out of all the pre-made and processed foods I eat, is it truly good or is it merely the seasonings I liked. After the seasonings are gone I wonder if all meats like chicken, beef, fish, or whatever are all bland tasting things with little intrinsic taste. Blank canvases that we paint with flavor. Seems like good food is all about good seasoning and a quality base (like bread or meat) beneath it.


  1. Jhunter
    Yeah, it is a real shame that in America it costs more to eat healthy than it does to eat crappy.
  2. mugen shiyo
    Yeah, I've been finding that out over the past years. I long since quit fast food because it tastes like crap and my grandmother, again, was the one to point out how things don't taste the same as they used to. I try to eat as well as I can though. Stay away from the corn syrup and all that. Problem though, is, the bad stuff is taking over all the good stuff.
  3. Jhunter
    I am a chef by trade for going on a decade now. With that said, I cant tell you enough to stop eating processed food. It is not only terrible for you, but it tastes like garbage. Good food comes from both seasoning as well as ingredients. If you took all the processed food you love and pulled a recipe off the internet instead to make it fresh, you will be surprised how much better it is. You will also be surprised how much better you feel after switching your diet after a week.
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