Tales of Cossack and Men #3 More research

  1. Firstly, my five pieces of research for the day:

    • With almost 160 regiments fighting in WW1 by 1916, the Cossack cavalry would be unaffected by modernization
    • The Soviet famine of 1932-33 aka the Holodomor, caused many fatalities among the Cossacks, with many families forced from their homes in the severe winter, leading them to freeze to death. The conditions are recorded in Mikhail Sholokhovs letters to Joseph Stalin.
    • Under Kornilov, the white movement in Southern Russia could at times be painfully cruel against prisoners captured or at other times merciful, with differing accounts. However, under Denikin, a lot of attacks were launched against Jews, with at least 100,000. In fact, the White Cossack regime led by Krasnov formed in April 2018
    • There are the Don Cossacks, descendants of both Slavic people and Khazars, worshipping Eastern Orthodox or Christian Old Belief with a rich military tradition, not to mention the Kuban, distinguished by their Chupryna/Oseledets hairstyles.
    • An ataman commanded a Cossack band. He would be elected. Cossack society was heavily militarized, with each Cossack nation called a host, with each settlement forming military units of light cavalry.

    Considering some of the themes I want to discuss through this book, I would think the best way to examine these ideas would be through the psychological genre:
    • Psychological horror is a subgenre which psychological, emotionally and mental relies on the state of characters to generate horror.
    • Examples in Russian literature: The Brothers Karamazov and Crime and Punishment
    • Emphasizes interior characterization, as well as the motives and internal action
    • Not content to state what happens, but rather reveals and motivations behind the action.
    • Often employs stream of consciousness, interior monologues and flashbacks to illustrate character mentalities.


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