Could Have Been Me

By GrahamLewis · Jan 26, 2020 · ·
  1. I just saw a brief news story about two New Jersey boys who drowned in farm ponds during the last week. Sad, but not stupid. Adolescent bravado, a sense of daring, and the misplaced certainty that bad things cannot happen to them.

    I know, because I was there once.

    I was probably 13, wandering nearby farm fields on a cold winter day. Eventually I ended up on the shore of a pond not far from some farm buildings -- this was on land then=owned by a convent who had a small cow herd.

    It was a gray weekend day, no one around anywhere, not in obvious sight of anyone. Windy, flakes of snow, good day to be wandering. It had been below freezing for several days, and the pond seemed frozen over. I tested it carefully, one foot at a time, no creaking. I walked onto the ice, just because it was there, because I wanted to. I ventured further, toward the center. I heard a sudden cracking sound, and felt the ice give beneath my feet.

    I dropped into icy cold water, holding onto the sides with my arms. I wasn’t especially worried, we’d waded in that pond in the summer and it had been only waist deep at most. I lowered myself down to find bottom, to push push myself upward. But I found no bottom. My boots, filling with icy water, touched nothing. I began, in my adolescent way, to sense that this could be serious.

    Still, and fortunately for me, I didn’t panic. I spread my arms on the surface and pushed myself onto the surrounding ice which, for a reason I don’t understand, did not crack under my weight. I crawled out onto the ice, walked to the shoreline, and ran home, about half a mile away, my clothes becoming stiff with ice. I got home, shed my wet clothes, gave some half-true explanation to my mother, and crawled into a hot bath.

    While I was in the tub, a man came to the door of the house. He worked at the convent farm, and had seen me fall into the ice, but by the time he got near I was gone. He went from house to house looking for the boy. Two things motivated him. One, he had lost a brother to a pond-drowning, so he was very upset by this, and two, the pond had been dredged and deepened over the summer, so that it was no longer the safe play surface we had presumed it to be.

    So, for no better reason than fate I suppose, I sit here typing this story, while two families in New Jersey are mourning the loss of their sons.

    Life is like that, and sometimes I forget to feel the gratitude I should feel, for the simple fact of still being alive.


  1. Malisky
    Oh, I almost drowned once too, out of pure cockiness. I think I was 19 or 20 years old. I was camping with some friends at Ano Koufonisi for summer vacations. Ano Koufonisi is a very small island; so small that you can get around it on foot and it has the most beautiful, majestic beaches and places to swim. Some are sandy white with turquoise waters, while others are natural pools, made by the rocky environment. It's the scuba divers paradise. Some say that its name coined from the word "koufio (κούφιο)", which means "hollow" and "nisi", which means "island". It has many underwater caves and passages. Best vacations I ever had actually. Damn I miss those days!

    Anyhow, as we were walking parallel to the sea on the chaotic, rocky environment, tracking for a specific beach known to be somewhat hidden, we noticed that right across us, stood a guy on a very high cliff wearing a speedo. The guy dived headfirst like a pro. It was beautiful. He must have been a pro. We were so excited to see him dive. We thought, "well if he did it, so can we. This should be fun!" :D

    We went there, but once we stood at the edge of the cliff, my god! I remember I was scared shitless. It was just too high! More than 10 meters I think. As tall as a two storey building with high ceilings. Might have been taller, I don't know. Anyhow, my friend jumped first and then I followed suit. I jumped wearing my all stars, just in case... I remember falling and falling and falling like forever. A never ending fall. I opened my eyes just in time to witness my feet drilling into the sea. Boy, did I feel that! The vibration of breaking the surface in ultra speed. The elongated sinking and the depth's increasing pressure. I dived like a bullet I tell you! Good thinking keeping my all stars on. Once I surfaced, I was so happy and thrilled. I wanted to jump again. So we climbed again and this time the jump was even more enjoyable. The third time though... I just slipped a little and the wind blew so god damned strong I took a slight tilt to the right and when I came in contact with the surface the pain... Oh, the pain! All the air immediately escaped me and I could feel everything vibrating, like I was a bell that has been hit. My body became paralysed and I couldn't move a muscle, not even a finger. Water found its way in, through my nostrils and I couldn't keep it out. I wasn't drilling the water like a bullet anymore, I was sinking like scrapped paper and then, suddenly everything started to become darker and darker until it was completely black. I remember thinking, "Could this really be it? What a stupid way to go. No way". At that point I didn't feel any pain at all. I actually felt kind of good at some point, like I was light as a feather floating in the middle of the universe. So peaceful. Then the darkness receded and I regained some control of my body again, but felt very weak. I swam towards the surface very slowly, with very soft movements. When I broke onto the surface I was struggling to breath as I was puking water and trying to keep myself floating. When I puked all I could manage, I just floated for a while like a board. The pain came back and although it seared it wasn't as numbing as before. Then I swan slowly towards the flat rock, got out of the water and met my friend who told me that he was keeping an eye on me just in case, because he noticed I fell kinda badly. I estimated that if I were to drown back there and then, he wouldn't be able to save me in time. I was so lucky my system somehow managed to reboot.

    Needless to say, that after that fall, I looked like I was hit by a train the whole month through. My right leg, from ankle to hip, my torso, my arm, all of my right side was bruised with all the colors of the rainbow. Good times. :p
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