Dialogue practice

By Magus · Jun 24, 2018 ·
  1. "So" Henry said "How's the wife and kids?"

    Jake popped his head out from the engine block, wiping his hands free of grease with a rag.

    "Same old bullshit. Joshua got suspended again" Jake said as he tossed the rag to the ground " and Dom seems intent on following his brothers footsteps. All the while Marie keeps hounding me about the phone bills for our princes" he paused for a second before continuing " It's like they don't understand how hard I work for them. They think I like not being around, having my hands covered in grease and grime. I don't hate my job, I'm not saying that but what gets to me is my family thinking I love it more then I love them. Like I'm some kind of monster."

    "Ouch, it can't be all bad though" Henry asked " Could it?"

    "No, not all bad. The times I get home early enough to sit down to dinner with them are the best parts of my day, or the times they fall asleep without closing their doors I get to tuck them in without getting sworn at. It reminds me of when they were young."

    Henry smiled seeing the nostalgic wave of euphoria pass over Jake.

    "Maybe you'll look back at these days too and miss them all the same" Henry said,

    "Maybe you're right. Maybe I ought to do what the Buddhists do, live in the moment and all the jazz." Jake sighed and turned to face Henry.
    "You think you can handle closing shop? We'll work on Fredoli's shitbox tomorrow, say we ran into some problems."

    Henry placed a rough hand on Jake's shoulder briefly before shoving it playfully back " Go, I got this. I'll be here far longer then your kids will stay in this hellhole town. University is a year or two away. We can afford one pissed off Italian"

    That was the last time anyone every heard from Henry......DUNDUNDUN

    If you read this and found any issues with the dialogue please feel free to bring it to my attention. Thank you!


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