Maybe This Time

By jim onion · Sep 1, 2018 · ·
  1. I've wasted so much money and time on video games.

    Don't get me wrong, some of the time I'll cherish for the rest of my life! But it's been time to move on.

    This will be the third time I've tried seriously walking away from them in the past year. I always think I can come back and balance it, but that's never the case.

    I don't really find them enjoyable like I used to anyway. I find myself either being bored, aggravated (I'm very competitive), or like I'm burning money and irreversibly flushing time down the toilet.

    This is going to leave a gaping hole in my day to day. Hopefully this forces me to learn a little something about time management, structuring my day, productivity.

    I guess just like any other addiction (yes, gaming *can be* an addiction; it's that dopamine addiction and scratching the itch of instant gratification), it's really hard to quit when you're surrounded by it. And when your friends play video games.

    I can do it. Just walk away. Not out of resentment or a false sense of superiority. It's just fucking time already.

    Next on the list is YouTube. Just like a power vacuum in the middle-east, there's always an ISIS waiting to control all the free-time I have. Need to fill the vacancy with some real substance. Quality reading, writing, learning, etc.
    O.M. Hillside likes this.


  1. paperbackwriter
    Your awareness is good. Its just another addiction. My addictions have included, smoking, alcohol, gambling, internet forums, twitter, food, negative thinking especially ruminating, the list goes on. Now I think I had some kind of game addiction at one stage. yeah it was mahjong. Oh and slot machines. Often the addictions would overlap.
    The problem is quitting. There is a void you have to fill. If you can find a fresh self-discipline from deep within, that's ideal.
    Replace it with a healthy addiction like swimming or the gym perhaps? Read books instead of going online.
    I think we all have addictions now. Especially our phones and social networking. And deep down we know we are not doing the right thing. There' s something missing in our life. A Christian might say it is Jesus Christ.
      Foxxx likes this.
  2. O.M. Hillside
    Now this I can relate to. Youtube and video games somehow suck all my time away and EVERY time I go to sleep at the end of a wasted day, I feel pretty guilty about it. I briefly replaced this addiction with smoking weed and going for a walk and hiking. Which was actually kind of cool. But when I hiked through the local area (PV) enough times the habit devolved into the stereotypical just smoking weed in the garage and then playing GTA or Stellaris. Which, is "fun" in a way. One can argue these kinds of behavior brings joy. But nothing tops an actual accomplishment. It's been enough time since the last time I accomplished anything worthwhile and I'm starting to realize that videogames are a shoddy replacement for the feeling of accomplishing something. At least for me. Even youtube can sometimes, not always, be like that. Like, man I'm learning all this stuff. Gaining artistic perspective like a mothafocka right now. But, the few times youtube videos actually do inspire me, it's usually when I stumble upon one telling me to stop wasting my time.

    Only way to break out of it is to be mindful. Which is hard. But, the best way to get started on that is to be mindful as you make mistakes. So play a video game, but just be aware of what you're doing as you do it. For me, I generally get caught up and only come to my senses when I'm done and exhausted and it's like 2 am. But, when I take active effort to just say "Okay, I'll go ahead and play this game. But I am wasting time right now. And if I keep wasting time like this, I may get old and have nothing to show for my time spent on this planet. Have fun!" Sometimes, I forget about it. Sometimes I think about it intermittently while playing a game until I've had enough of the nagging so I just close the game to sit down and write or read or do some homework. And, yeah... That voice goes away.

    So I guess what I'm saying is: try to rewire your brain into not enjoying wasting time. Because the only reason you waste time, is because you enjoy it. But if you make it less enjoyable, on your own terms -- because god knows if a nagging parent or guilt tripping sibling tells you not to do it, all you want to do is keep doing it --, you'll start to form the right habits.

    But you posted this a month ago! So, how's this situation going now?
  3. jim onion
    @O.M. Hillside

    Well now the only times I play video games are when hanging out with my friends, we might play a few games of NBA or NHL on the Playstation 4. I'm alright with that, because we're still actually doing something together in person, and having a little competition. Then we might go play some ping-pong, smoke some weed / dab (I only vape CBD but I still join them while they do their thing), have some shots. We like to find beats on YouTube or Soundcloud and drop bars to them. Sometimes I "spit", sometimes I sing since I used to be in a garage band. It's all good fun on weekends.

    Or, the other times I play video games are with my friends that I don't get to see very often during the school year. We just play League of Legends. Or my cousins, who I don't get to see much anymore except for holidays and sometimes birthdays throughout the year.

    Up until today when I woke up at 3:30 PM EST, I was doing really good and waking up on average around 8:00 AM. I'd get my day going and then get to Starbucks before noon for some reading and writing. I've been trying to find another writing spot, if only just to change it up or have a back-up option; I'd like to find a place outdoors but I cannot stand bugs. I wish it was closer to Halloween so they'd all be dead or in hibernation already.

    So, until then I dress for the fall weather (I LOVE AUTUMN) and the Starbucks I go to has a nice little patio outside that I sometimes choose to sit at. Perfect for those 50 degree, windless Michigan days.

    tl;dr I've cut my total video game time by roughly 3/4 and increased my reading and writing time by roughly 3/4. I'm happy with the progress, and I'll see if I can't reduce some other time wasting in my day-to-day life and replace that too.
      O.M. Hillside likes this.
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