
By paperbackwriter · Feb 16, 2019 · ·
  1. Am reading the book by Shusaku Endo. Almost finished. Will watch movie tomorrow..
    Thought provoking to say the least.


  1. paperbackwriter
    Finished both. So many questions.
    Must be a real shock for some conservative Catholics and Christians to watch this.
    "To spit on a picture of Mary and call her a whore" ?
    To trample on a picture of Jesus and renounce your Christianity? To stop the Japanese Christians suffering.
    Well I'd be as weak as the character Kichijiro, that's for sure. As he said 'why did God make me weak in a world which requires us to be so strong and tough?"
    The way to really torture someone is to make them watch someone else being tortured.
    "Renounce your Christianity and their torturing will stop."
    How strong would you be? if faced with such suffering? Such awful ways of punishing. Made me think of POWs getting captured and tortured. How good is their training? Everyone has their breaking point surely. How loyal are you to your country, let alone Jesus Christ?
    Idealism is made to look foolish, naïve and the cause of so much suffering We need to be pragmatic Christians? Keep it simple? What is the truly human, respectful, prudent, compassionate thing to do here? Stubborness of conservative Catholicism? What did the Catholic Church say about Shusaku Endo?
    The torture scenes from this book and movie will haunt me for the rest of my life.
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