To My Phoenix

By Shadow Dragon · Jul 21, 2008 · ·
  1. To My Phoenix

    I don't know why
    you fell for me
    you say I'm special
    but I'm not so sure

    when the others see me
    they look with scorn
    but when you see me
    you look with love

    you see the little girl
    the one that is afraid
    so she lashes out
    to keep others far away

    I want you back
    back by my side

    I was a fool
    I was blind
    I didn't see the love
    that you had

    on our last day
    I saw your soul
    it burned the sky
    and went to the heavens

    your body fell back
    no strength left
    you gave it all
    you gave it for me

    I want you back
    back by my side

    you gave me a kiss
    my very first kiss
    but I don't know why
    you would kiss me

    you wanted to know
    if you made me proud
    as if you could actually
    disappoint me

    your body burned
    consumed by fire
    as I watched knowing
    I couldn't save you

    I want you back
    back by my side

    I stared into the sky
    at that crimson hole
    the one that was left
    by your beautiful soul

    for the first time
    in many years
    I let my weakness show
    I cried for you

    I don't know if
    I could return your feelings
    but I want more time
    more time to try

    I want you back
    back by my side

    please return to me
    my dear phoenix
    return to your ashes
    become the girl you were

    I'm sorry I failed
    I'm sorry I'm weak
    I'm so sorry that
    I couldn't protect you

    to my phoenix
    I need you back
    back by my side

    This poem is based off of the relationship between my two characters, Fox and Britney, from the Phoenix Colony rpg. Its written from Fox's point of view.


  1. Charisma
    Interesting, I think you did a nice job. However, you could've 'condensed' the poem but lessing the stanzas if you like. You should sift the best from the lesser ones, and then reduce your poem to a mixture of your better and bests. Keep it up!
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