Eaveah Tail

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Aug 1, 2016
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May 15, 1986 (Age: 38)
Oslo, Norway

Eaveah Tail

New Member, Female, 38, from Oslo, Norway

Recovering. Aug 12, 2016

Eaveah Tail was last seen:
Feb 9, 2018
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  • About

    May 15, 1986 (Age: 38)
    Oslo, Norway
    Favorite Writers:
    Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett, J.K. Rowling, J. R.R. Tolkien, Douglas Adams
    Favorite Books:
    American Gods, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, Harry Potter
    Favorite Quotes:
    -I think I would rather recollect a life misspent on fragile things than spent avoiding moral debt-
    Neil Gaiman

    - Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night. -
    Edgar Allan Poe
    Are You Published?:
    I will be cheeky and use the same text here as I used in my introduction post: I think therefore I am, I write therefore I think.

    I am a thirty year old woman, living alone in a small flat in a small city in a small country. I'm in a long distance relationship and have been for a long time. Ironically this relationship has made me happier than any other realtionship I've had in my life. There are many positive things about me, wether or not I'm actually able to see them myself. As there are negative things as well, that I tend to see more than is stricktly healthy. I'm a nocturnal creature, preferring the quiet and darkness of night over the busy light of day. I used to be perceived as very social and open, in later years, people have started to see me for what I am. An introverted unsocial creature that is merely very good at acting. One could say I got tired of the act. I myself would claim that I had very little choice in the matter. I prefer interaction over the internet to social settings, apart from those who have managed, with little to no assistance from me, to become close friends.

    It took me a long time to accept that I was meant to write. You're told that only so and so many people make into actually being published. Only so and so many people are able to live off this type of work and that it is folly to dream. I should like to quote something Neil Gaiman said, (or if it was someone he quoted. I don't recall) at this juncture and say as he did: -I think I would rather recollect a life misspent on fragile things than spent avoiding moral debt.-

    Books have been a constant in my life, and I have always enjoyed writing stories and placing myself however fleetingly in the shoes of others. Trying to figure out how they would think or feel in one situation or the other. Contrary to what one might think as one reads what I have stated about myself already, I have lived a life very activly. Many of the things already stated are a direct result of events in my life. Writing has helped me learn more about myself than I thought possible. And I will be forever grateful to the many authors that has taught me the value of words and stories.


    Nothing is too stupid to write down.
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