In my opinion, Thom said it best. Anthony Burgess once said "As we are all solipsists, and all die, the world dies with us. Only very minor...
I'm not sure if either of these qualify as "western" (they might be more accurately deemed "historical fiction") but Blood Meridian by Cormac...
I appreciate this. Thanks.
I say "one more question" now but it probably won't be the last time. In regards to the reviewing element for newbies like myself (2 reviews...
Thank you. As you can tell, when it comes to small print, I usually get utterly, utterly hosed.
I apologize in advance. I am new to this forum and my account was only activated less than a day ago but how does someone become eligible to post...
Hello, all. I have a more lengthy version of this introduction on my profile (I think - I don't really do well with computers) but briefly, I'd...
Separate names with a comma.