How to increase your reading speed

A great website that will get you through more books while also retaining comprehension

  1. Thomas Kitchen
    Hi all,

    I started this as a thread, but was told by the wonderful Wreybies that it would be better if it went into the Resource section. So here it is!

    If, like me, you hate how slowly you read and wish you could read more books in your lifetime, then I do have a solution. This website (link below) takes you through a few exercises that adds up to about twenty minutes in total, and it is highly recommended that you do them all in one session. It will get you to calculate your current reading speed, increase it, and then calculate it again. I managed to go from 130 words-per-minute to 360, which for me is a huge increase.

    I hope you too can boost your speed, and maybe get a few more books read in your lifetime! :D
    Daniel likes this.
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